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Comment Backup? (Score 0) 343

On OS X, Time Machine offers a simple set-once-and-forget backing solution that periodically backs up. One can simply hit Time Machine on a file/folder to view a history of automatically-saved versions, with preview, and restore as necessary.

I'm sure there are similar solutions on Lunix and Windoze.

Comment Re:So how many Sparc Systems does Oracle Run? (Score 4, Informative) 190

Fore disclaimer: I'm employed by Oracle.

My duties at Oracle have always been developing Mac and (more recently) iOS Apps. So I end up using Apple hardware. That aside, all developers have a remote unix account for development. We host server instances of the particular product we develop for, and have other such servers for hosting a number of dev tools. Many of those servers are hosted on "Sunacle" (my term) hardware.

In the Mtl office, we also have a bunch of Sun stations in various places like some local server rooms and demo/training rooms.

Sun is *everywhere* around me. Oracle has a huge investment in Sun (both in hardware optimisation and Java) which led to the acquisition 5 years ago. Was more of an investment rescue than a growth acquisition, if you ask me. BUT I DO NOT KNOW for sure if my point of view & assessment is what really led to the acquisition. Developers are not privy to such details.

Comment Re:LFI (Score 1) 422

I totale agree with that but my point is, no one carries a digital camera, just in case, anymore.

Was a thing before the iPhone. I'd go to events, concerts, picnics, vacations carrying that PowerShot or similar devices. I bought a digital hard drive Sony camcorder for a martial arts stage trip in Europe.

Would I do that now? Hell no. My phone takes better photos and videos of your average consumer electronics. Of course if you're a pro or even an amateurish enthusiast, you might carry a reflex camera with a bunch of lens and filters. But the bulk of people just dont give enough if a crap or just wouldn't know what to do with that kind of equipment.

Get me a point-and-click affordable lidar or KFI and I will buy for those occasional trips and outings.

Comment Re:Slave Labour is certainly profitable (Score 1) 534

Apple repeatedly said they would manufacture in the US should it be able to man those plants and that is not the case right now. There's no manufacturing plant in the US that would be able to sustain the volume requirements.

Tim Cook often commented on this. Best they could do for now was to build Mac Pros in US. It's a much smaller volume.

Comment Re:Not much aperture (Score 3, Interesting) 19

Just a note regarding "can view twelve targets at once".

That's just not the point of a telescope array; rather the contrary. The point is to utilise large number of smaller telescopes to point at the same object to gather more light. This simulates a larger mirror minus the greater atmospheric distorsion they provide. Anything above 12" gets really finicky about distorsion, requiring lasers to help compensate: the laser is used to compare the projected point in the upper atmosphere in order to compensate using adaptive optics. All that is terribly expensive.

The real advancement is in software where all of the (in this case 12) telescopes in the array, are composited into a single image of greater accuracy & resolution.

Comment Re:Makes sense. (Score 1) 629

My (office-provided) 5th gen iTouch (more akin to an iPhone 5) still is supported and has the same apps access as other iPhont (or universal iPad) apps. With the exceptions of those apps that are marked as requiring hardware my iPod doesn't have (calling).

Not having iPhones, I would probably get an iTouch. It's a pretty decent device. But kinda pointless if you have an iPhone.

Before I get asked, I'm a professional iOS 5 developer. That's why I have plenty iHardware around.

And to keep objective, between my iPhone 1 and my 4s, I skipped the 3G, 3GS and 4 while I used an atrocious alternative. Never again.

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