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PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - PS3 piling up in retail stores

An anonymous reader writes: Seems like Playstation are piling up at retail stores around the US. I just called a few Best Buys around the Bay Area and sure enough, they are available, which is shocking given that it is Silicon Valley, plus the Bay Area is richer than most and could probably afford the $600 price tag. Meanwhile Wiis are sold out everywhere. Is Sony's strategy completely failing? Will they have to drop the price soon in order to remain competitive?

Feed CES: Winners and Losers (wired.com)

What was the show's best gadget and the best game? Did you know that some of the 100-inch TVs are glued together from smaller screens? Wired News blows the lid off the show's best and worst. The Wired News staff reports from Las Vegas.

Hardware Hacking

Submission + - uClinux Ported to PSP

FJ60 writes: "Someone has finally ported Linux to the PSP! Specifically, uClinux 2.4.19. So far it boots, mounts the root filesystem, and runs an interactive shell. The only device driver that currently works is the TTY driver, which allows terminal sessions to run over the serial port built into the headphone jack. Pretty impressive considering that MIPS core used in the PSP is highly proprietary and this guy had no documentation! I can't wait to see X running on that screen.... Check it out at: http://df38.dot5hosting.com/~remember/chris/"

Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death 1003

indraneil writes "Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death along with his half brother. Three Baath party officials charged with Hussein in the killings of 148 Shiite civilians have been sentenced to 15 years in prison, while a fourth has been cleared. He is to be hanged inside 30 days from now. Saddam Hussein has been given 10 days to appeal against the decision. His lawyer has warned to a bloodbath if the sentence is carried out."

Voting Machines Banned by Dutch Minister 155

5heep writes "Dutch Government Renewal Minister Atzo Nicolai has banned the use of one type of computer voting machine in national elections next month. The turnabout came after a group called We Don't Trust Voting Computers protested the vulnerability of electronic voting to fraud or manipulation. The reason for this ban is the radio signals emitted by the machines which can be used to peek at a voters' choice from several dozen meters away."

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