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Comment Re:This is a good idea (Score 1) 143

> Then goes on to divide the reading list based on the rank of the reader?

Some truth to that... but I don't know. Seems to me that the senior officer books are more around strategy (see the Navy reading list 'Senior Leaders' section) while the junior folks' books are more general stuff and easy reads. For example, look where Ender's Game shows up on several lists...

Comment Re:This is a good idea (Score 3, Interesting) 143

> most of the grunts I have worked with have a
> reading / writing level of less an 8th grade student.

Check out the Army reading list section for cadets, soldiers, and NCOs. Some good stuff there... especially Keegan's "Face of Battle". On the other hand, I have no idea how many folks in those ranks have read any of those.

Comment Re:So lemme make sure I got this right... (Score 1) 77

> you'd think the stability of working at a large, deep-pockets
> organization would have been an attractive option

Maybe, although those large organizations are the ones that can outsource or cut an entire department for any reason or no reason at all. With a smaller company you at least have some hope of influencing the bottom line and knowing what's going on.

Comment Re:JRuby is a failure. (Score 3, Insightful) 77

> If there's one thing even slower or more pointless than jvm and ruby,
> it's ruby on rails. I guess someone didn't get the memo,
> but RoR's 15 minutes are up.

To the contrary, people are cranking out new Rails apps at a furious rate, and lots of Java and C# apps are getting ported over to Rails. It's good times.

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