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Comment Re:When Al Franken... (Score 2) 282

This whole "felons voting" thing is sort of bogus. You make it sound like inmates are finding a way to vote. In the State of MN, once you have been released from jail. Finished probation, and otherwise "paid your debt to society", you have to go in front of a judge and ask for your voting rights to be restored. Many people are unaware of this. If YOU got out of jail and did your time and were a normal citizen, wouldn't you just assume you would be able to vote? This whole schedule a court date, possibly hire a lawyer, and "restore your voting rights" thing isn't well known, and many people who have been out of jail FOR YEARS, do what every American is supposed to do and show up at the polls and cast a ballot. There is legislation under review to automatically restore voting rights upon completion of your sentence - which is much more reasonable. A fundamental right, like voting, shouldn't be held behind lock and key and access to the courts after someone has paid their debt to society.

So yes, some released felons didn't follow the process and by law the votes should be thrown out, but you are making the mistake of assuming every single incorrectly voting felon voted for Franken. If you attribute and assign those votes according to the percentages for and against that voted in the general election, which is much more reasonable than your blanket assumption, then Franken still wins.

Comment Re:It's going to be driven by reaction time (Score 1) 138

This was basically the premise of the book "Kill Decision". A shadowy government/private contractor apparatus launches a series of attacks on America specifically to get the American public to by into the logic you've suggested. Dreams of new defense spending contracts spurred on "The Activity" and was supported widely. Of course, our hero puts it to a stop - but for how long??

Comment Re:Bitcoin (Score 4, Informative) 455

Undoing moderation to post this (sorry) but I have first hand knowledge of this having worked in merchant payment processing and setting up these accounts and terminals for customers. The standard VISA contract prohibits you from charging more for card purchases, however you are totally allowed to offer discounts for cash. You can not market the card as costing more (say, posting a sign saying 3% upcharge for VISA customers) but you are completely welcome to post a sign saying 3% discount for paying in cash, using a loyalty card, showing up dressed as a chicken, or whatever. Promotions and discounts are fine and are considered marketing events - "upcharging" VISA customers is not allowed and considered a penalty to customers. As long as you market correctly you're in the clear. VISA's business manual even has examples of this in their do's and do not's section.

Comment Re:Redefine hunting. (Score 1) 397

Please don't support HobbyKing. Aside from the ethics of them selling chinese knockoffs and second-shift runs of everything in R/C, most of it is junk. I've had three speedos come DOA, a LiPo pack puff in 3 uses, and a charger that showed up unable to charge 1s packs even though it was advertised as being capable of doing so. In only one case did I get a refund, and that was a 7 week adventure involving a Paypal dispute. DIY it yourself with a Arduino based setup or something if you want to keep costs down, but don't sell your soul to the R/C junk cartel.

Comment Re:Holy cow, a decent idea! (Score 1) 597

Agreed. Add smaller class sizes to the list. I went to a school with a 16:1 teach/student ratio. No giant hall 101 class lectures for me. Every teacher knew my name and knew me well. Cost a bunch extra as a private school over what I could have got in community college or a public institution but I thought it was important.

Comment Re:Airport wifi (Score 1) 159

I recently traveled to the UK and back on Delta on an A330. Their info-tainment system in the seatback had an 8 inch touchscreen panel with both a headphone jack and a usb jack. Plugging it in to USB allowed charging and streaming of any local content you had (provided it was non-drm'd). It was this system, although I couldn't id the manufacturer:

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