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Comment Re:Umm (Score 1) 192

Slow down? Are you insane? At night you go faster faster FASTER! OMG I am soooo important I need to do 90!

Even at 70mph you are outdriving your low beam headlights on a modern car. High beams are required for speeds above 50. Yet 90% of the drivers on the road do not understand this and fly into the night at 80-90mph with low beams on and they get all pissy at the smart drivers that use their high beams.

Comment Re:Is it 64-bit yet? (Score 1) 132

Sounds like the answer is "64 bit is hard work and we'd rather do other things + it'd break our plugins". Same issue everyone else faced when porting to 64 bit. And apparently it's easier to port code to run on the .NET VM than port it the old fashioned way whilst keeping it as unmanaged C++?

Secondly, from a cost perspective, probably the shortest path to porting Visual Studio to 64 bit is to port most of it to managed code incrementally and then port the rest. The cost of a full port of that much native code is going to be quite high and of course all known extensions would break and we’d basically have to create a 64 bit ecosystem pretty much like you do for drivers. Ouch.


But the .NET 64 bit JIT has historically been very low throughput, and the CLR is a less advanced VM than the JVM which can run code in an interpreter until compiled code is ready, so slow compiler == slow startup and high latencies on loading new screens, etc. Not good for a desktop app.

Comment Certs are for noob's. (Score 4, Insightful) 213

If you are a newbie or fresh from college, get a cert.

If you have 20+ years experience, Certs don't matter. Unless you have a clueless HR drone, then you dont want to work for the place.

If they discount your "15 years senior network administrator for AT&T" and want to see a entry level cert, then you really really dont want to work there.

Comment All smartwatches are waiting... (Score 1) 213

Pebble is the only one that makes it trivial to program for, you dont even have to install an IDE or software to write for it.

Apple watch and the Google wear watches all suffer from the same problem The killer apps for them, Health apps like Glucose monitoring and other health apps that are useful are blocked by the idiots at the FDA. Get an affordable non invasive Glucose monitor and an app on the phone and watch for this and you can make a huge change in someone's life.

Honestly the killer apps are medical and shackled by the morons that run the regulation system.

Comment This is a FANTASTIC scam! I want in! (Score 4, Interesting) 232

For only $150 I'll do the same, except I can also chase away evil Norse spirits knows to attack apple hardware. Why choose a simple Wiccan that can only handle the basic underworld IT problems when you can hire a true multi spirtual IT expert and chase away Norse, Germanic, Greek, Aztec, american Indian, Chinese and even Ancient Egyptian and Syrian spirits?

For a limited time only for only $15,000 a year I will proactively protect ALL your IT equipment from spirits from my location on two of the largest lay lines in the americas.

Comment Worthless judgement (Score 2) 64

This isn't going to make any difference.

The EU "Right to Privacy" and indeed all the human rights encoded in the relevant document are so riddled with exceptions that you can drive a bus through them. The fact that any government lost at all is amazing and surely the result of incompetent lawyering. From the text:

There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

The national security exception by itself seems enough to allow nearly anything, but then they add public safety and economic well being on top! In fact every reason a government might have for engaging in surveillance is covered, which cannot be an accident.

But anyway, GCHQ is not about to suddenly discover that it cares about these things. It's been obvious since the start that the 5 Eyes agencies perceive themselves as being entirely outside ordinary democratic constraints, unfortunately, that perception is largely true as senior ministers think real life is like an episode of 24 and gives them essentially blanket immunity to do whatever they like.

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