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Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Zero 2

Several chapters ago I decided to see if I could do what James Patterson did (badly IMO) in that one book of his I read, mixing first and third person. A few months ago I figured out how to do it with this book, and wrote a new chapter one that goes before the posted chapter one.

I was on a roll yesterday, adding 3000 words, some scattered through the entire existing book but most at the end, past where we are now.

Comment Re:Kindle had some better features pre-touch. (Score 1) 321

The only multi-tasking ability I wish they would add (back) to the Kindle is the MP3 player/audio. I hate having to use a second device to listen to music while I'm reading

Why? The Kindle is a "second device", you have a phone in your pocket that is perfectly capable of playing MP3s (and radio) already.

Comment Re:Apple Actually Cares About Privacy (Score 1) 323

Free as in "over the air radio" which isn't really free, having commercials in it is what you pay to listen. TuneIn has an audio ad that plays every time you turn it on, and video ads at the bottom of the screen. That's a fair enough price, but they want to raise the price by adding my address book to the payment. Nope, it's like cable TV. Cable stations used to have no commercials, Now there are ads on-screen even when the content is playing. It's really stupid; OTA TV fed from cable used to be a lot better picture and sound, no static, ghosts, or snow so you were paying for the content by watching ads and paying the cable company for clarity, as well as extra programming, mostly excellent and without commercials. Now that it's digital, over the air serves a better picture than cable. And cable may have hundreds of channels, but hundreds of channels I have no intention of ever watching. They think I'll pay for that? They're insane, I dropped cable over ten years ago.

I can drop TuneIn just as easily, and if it stops working without the update I'll just uninstall it*, which will make their real product less valuable. They surely have competitors.

*Then I'll email radio stations I listen to and let them know they lost a listener, and why. Most stations have their own apps anyway, TuneIn is really only useful because you only have to install the one app.

Comment Re:Apple Actually Cares About Privacy (Score 2) 323

When I first saw this I thought "finally Apple has given folks a good reason to shell out the extra cash. Now if they were only waterproof and shock resistant like my cheap Kyocera..."

I keep location services shut off as well, but on my phone turning it on or off is just a swipe and a touch. And it's extremely annoying that apps with no real use except stalking me keep nagging me to turn it on. It's why I refuse to upgrade my TuneIn app, the upgrade wants my address book! WTF? Stupid developers writing stupid apps for stupid people. I wish they'd knock off their intrusive, annoying, STUPID stalking. But it seems that most businesspeople these days are sociopathic morons with absolutely no respect for their paying customers (there are places here where they demand that elderly people show ID to buy beer. Guess what? They don't get my business, I prefer to keep my money away from arrogant morons who insist on insulting the very idea of intelligence).

Comment Thirty percent? (Score 2) 432

That's a pretty low bar. So to pass the test a computer needs three very low IQ subjects and seven normal people? Hell, the Alice program would probably pass. How about a more reasonable percentage, like 95%?

Comment Re:Indeed. (Score 1) 7

Yep, for a little over two years. Hated it, except when I got to "fly" a C5-A simulator and walk around inside the computer that ran it. I've never seen so many printed circuit boards in one place before or since. But that lasted maybe an hour :(

User Journal

Journal Journal: Book review: "The Martian"

"In space. no one can hear you scream like a little girl." -Mark Watney

I'll be succinct before I become verbose: This is the best book I've read in years, including the ones I wrote.

If you like my stuff, you'll love this book. This guy writes like me only a lot better. Seriously. What's more, he looks to be half my age so damn it, you'll read more of his books than I will, I'm ageing.

This is his first book. I want a second.

Comment Indeed. (Score 1) 7

Mow there are some saying "you brought him home, what about the tourists that got captured?" Well DUH, they were idiots for visiting a war zone. In the military you don't have the luxury of choice, you go where they send you. I certainly didn't want to be in Delaware, especially since there was nothing there and the climate played hell with my arthritis (which seldom bothers me now that I'm old and not in Delaware).

And as you said, if he was AWOL the army will take care of the matter.

Comment Re:Moto X (Score 1) 8

I have a Kyocera now, but have had Motorola phones in the past. I never had a bit of trouble with them until they got dropped in water and died.

That's the main reason I bought the Kyocera; it's waterproof and shock resistant, and cheap enough that i don't have to worry about losing it.

It is a bit underpowered. It's responsive and fast, but if I'm listening to internet radio over wifi and playing it through bluetooth speakers and Google starts a download (which it seems to do daily) the damned thing reboots. Other than that I've had no complaints about it.

One brand of phone I'll never buy again is LG. It was a flip phone, and was 10 years ago. Most crash-prone, unreliable piece of shit I ever had. Sent it back under warrantee and the replacement was even worse. And ever since Sony deliberately infected my computer with their XCP rootkit I'll never ever buy anything from Sony again. Someone should have gone to prison over XCP.

Comment Re:California mini-massacre (Score 1) 4

What's saddest about the Arizona tragedy was that a crime was, in fact, committed, and never prosecuted. How can an unsecured weapon around children not be child endangerment? I've seen newspaper stories about stupid people being charged with it, but none of them involved firearms.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Odds and Ends 4

Space-X Dragon

I found this article fascinating. This new space craft is way farther advanced than anything now in operation. It will hold seven astronauts, dock with the ISS without the need for the Canadian robot arm, will land on land with the accuracy of a helicopter, and has emergency parachutes that deploy automatically if the landing rockets fail

Comment Re:Sentient machines exist (Score 1) 339

Do you feel that the brain is more than just a electrochemical analog computer, running a simulation of the world in your head using some pretty weak inputs?

No, it is analog but more than a computer. A computer is nothing more than an abacus with electrons for beads and billions of wires (one bead per wire rather than nine since it's binary); given enough time an abacus could come up with the exact same answer as Watson.

How many beads and wires does it take for an abacus to become sentient? Because when you're talking about a Von Neuman computer architecture you're talking about an electric abacus.

Will we ever build a sentient something? I think probably, but it won't be an abacus like today's computers are.

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