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Comment Re:Population? (Score 1) 127

>> patch of woodland just north of Livingston, Louisiana

The most annoying part of the introduction was the fact that it made it sound like this was going on in somebody's still, rather than a highly funded research project run through nearby LSU. Also it's partial due to work in California:

>> Key design elements of LIGO came from Ronald Drever, project director at Caltech from 1979 to 1987, who, Thorne says, “has to be recognized as one of the fathers of the LIGO idea."

Comment TLDR - here's the list (Score 5, Informative) 213

Extreme climate change
Nuclear war
Global pandemic
Major asteroid impact
Super volcano
Ecological catastrophe
Global system catastrophe
Synthetic biology
Artificial intelligence
Future bad global governance
Unknown consequences /karmawhoring>

Kind of weak list, IMHO. For example, where is "overpopulation?"

Comment Are you sure you were running Linux? (Score 4, Interesting) 716

>> it was simple; only two pieces to fit together

To me, the Linux experience has been based around the use of simple, command-line oriented tools that could be easily scripted together. That's the opposite of "only two pieces fit together" - just like Legos you have thousands of pieces that could fit together to make billions of different things.

Comment Data mule-ing and brick-ing? (Score 4, Informative) 78

As I understand the analysis, this exploit could be used to turn Fuelbands into data mules. It could also let someone temporarily brick all the Fuelbands within range (could be fun at the start of a marathon or at the gym).

>> Cmd_Bootloader: Set the device to bootloader mode ( basically it locks down the device, the official app won't work either ... only resetting it with the usb cable will unlock it ).
>> Cmd_SampleStore: Use the device memory to store a custom object (!!!)

Comment Re:My experience is different. (Score 2) 29

>> In my experience it is not the budget but the politics.

Politics are usually about budget. You really can't separate the two.

>> Is your company's security worth the expense of an additional tech? Or are office politics the reason you cannot get an additional tech?

This is an entry-level "think of the children" argument. Come back when you can express your needs for an additional tech in downtime, lost customers, etc. (i.e., money).

>> Does whomever is in charge of your technology have the authority to say "no" to requests from other departments? And the political capital to make it stick?

Surprisingly, they often DO have the authority, but they're smart enough to know that a cost center that says "no" too many times is a cost center begging to to replaced.

>> Retrofitting security is not the answer.

Unfortunately, it usually is, because replacing all systems and processes from scratch would be significantly more risky, expensive and (wall clock) time consuming.

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