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Comment Re:because (Score 2) 299

I ended up using something similar. I just have a bunch of memorized passwords using a very simple 3 keyed format

like "AB#" "EF#" "I#K"

This way whenever I need a new password to add to my list I write anything that pops into my head on a note. for example..

J92bd3Yp4. "J92" "bd3" "Yp4". write it down, use it for a week until it's memorized and it's done. I have about 6 passwords in this format completely memorized and cycle them everywhere.

Comment Bias goggles (Score 1) 293

From TFA, "9,469 Escape are being re-recalled. There have been no fires."

Ford is recalling the 2013 escape. no fires, there might be potential fires it's a voluntary recall.

Telsa has had 3 fires, no voluntary recalls, won't even admit there's a problem.

That's why Tesla get shit in the news. Take of your bias goggles.

Comment Re:Definitely not your normal car company (Score 1) 487

we have requested that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conduct a full investigation as ... if something is discovered that would result in a material improvement in occupant fire safety, we will immediately apply that change to new cars and offer it as a free retrofit to all existing cars

Wow, not running from a recall as is usual, but actively inviting one.

You don't need NHTSA to start a recall. Most car companies do recalls without having a NHTSA investigation

Comment No way to make a good movie out of that book (Score 3, Insightful) 732

Ender's Game is all about being in Ender's world, you are in his head you experience things the way he see and experiences it. That's why the ending of the book was shockingly good.

However this is difficult to translate into a movie especially with the Captain American/Iron Man style they chose to make it in.

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