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Comment The biggest irony of the monitoring devices... (Score 3, Interesting) 567

Someone I know has a Progressive monitor plugged into her ODB-II port. It beeps to "berate" her when she is driving "badly".

Apparently slowing down to stop at a red light is driving badly.

Also, slowing down quickly to avoid an accident is also driving badly.

She wants to throw it out the window, because the only time it ever "complains" is when she either stopped at a red light, or avoided crashing into someone who cut her off.

If insurance companies want drivers to use these things, they really have to come up with a better definition for "bad driving" than "slowing down quickly".

Comment I do often wonder what the point of Itanium was. (Score 1) 243

Did Itanium have any performance advantage over x86_64? It certainly didn't have a price advantage, if anything it was horrendously expensive for the performance you got.

We only have a SINGLE Itanium based server here, purchased more out of curiosity than anything else, years ago when the platform was new. There's nothing special about it whatsoever.

I keep thinking the platform should have been declared a failure years ago, unless there was some specific thing it was really good at that I'm not aware of...

Comment And nothing of value was lost... (Score 5, Funny) 330

Who still uses Skype? There are better alternatives now, and a lot more open, too.

Seems Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot... again. They're really good at this. Ya think they have special guns specifically designed to shoot downwards into feet? Weighted so that you can comfortably hold them as you fire? With special scopes to ensure you fire accurately and ammo custom-tailored for maximum damage to a foot-shapred target at close range?

I wouldn't be surprised. :)

Comment Why can't we manufacture this stuff here? (Score 1) 1160

Outsource, outsource, outsource everything!

We should be making the stuff we need here in the US. It's not like we don't have the manpower (what's the unemployment at again?) or the skills (so many college-educated people out of work). I'm tired of depending on others for our essential materials and being subject to their political whims.

Comment Try finding a room in Manhattan... (Score 2) 181

Try finding a room in Manhattan (that isn't a shithole) for under $200 a night.

Yup, that's exactly why this company is being harassed. The established hotels are enjoying their little collective monopoly that causes the concept of an affordable hotel room in Manhattan to be a pipe dream.

You see things like this (ridiculously high hotel room prices) and become suspicious that there is some sort of "cartel" or organization propping them up. Then you see news articles like that and your thoughts are vindicated. There is so much damn corruption out there...

Comment How much revenue are they really protecting?? (Score 5, Insightful) 256

It's crazy that companies go through all this trouble to protect a revenue stream from something as inexpensive and generic as a DVI to HDMI adapter.

Really, if they want to make a little more money, why not charge an extra dollar for the card itself and be done with it?

DVI/HDMI don't even carry power, so you can't use the "it might fry the device" excuse that Apple uses with their lightning plugs.

Comment Re:Open source browsers? (Score 5, Insightful) 307

Why does this need to be made part of HTML, though? The existing plugin infrastructure works just fine. You can implement whatever the fuck you want in a plugin. Just use that and leave HTML alone. Things are complicated enough already without introducing new artificial complexity that is purposely designed to break things.

(All DRM is purposely designed to break content. It provides absolutely no benefit to the user)

Comment Open source browsers? (Score 4, Insightful) 307

How does this affect open source browsers like Firefox? If something is open source you surely can't enforce any sort of DRM restrictions; someone can just build a hacked version of the browser.

Is this possibly the beginning of the end for open source browsers?

Why in the hell are they even THINKING of approving this bullshit?

Comment Alright folks, prepare for Twitter to suck... (Score 3, Informative) 56

I've seen more than one awesome company go to suck after going public.

Why? Before going public, they only have to follow the wishes of themselves (the board) and maybe a few investors. They have a lot of freedom on what to do. Not everything the company does MUST be for maximum profit.

After going public, they are subject to the only desire stockholders have: Make money. Period. That's it. Taking risks and not going for maximum financial gain can mean a stockholder lawsuit.

Enjoy Twitter while it lasts, folks.

Comment Note that it's against the rules (Score 5, Insightful) 164

Notice that a lot of these services, particularly Facebook and Google+, specifically say it's against the rules to have more than one account.

It shows precisely their intent: To gather as much information about you and your habits as possible. They can't do it as effectively if people have multiple accounts.

This, along with not allowing pseudonyms is one of the worst things that has happened to the Internet in the past decade or so. It used to be you could have as many different accounts on different sites as you wanted. Now everything is being condensed into a small handful of services, all of which have gestapo-like policies requiring your real information and name. It's just sad.

Comment Re:Vocal Minority (Score 1) 331

There were millions of people complaining about the new forced threaded view on Twitter. Twitter, of course, completely ignored them.

It's not always a "small vocal minority". Companies make stupid changes, users hate them, and they refuse to back out the changes because it would mean losing face.

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