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Comment Re:A Supreme Court No More (Score 1) 415

Justice Roberts once again proves his obedience to his corporate masters. Once upon a time the SCOTUS was seen as above such petty matters. Now it is clearly the pawn of the corporations - and this has been obvious ever since the ruling which allowed the corporations unlimited access to fund/bribe politicians.

The SCOTUS's job isn't to strike down laws they think are "unfair", their job is rule on the law. You don't like the ruling? Then work to get federal arbitration law revoked. Because last I checked, the one thing the "Commerce Clause" does regulate is interstate commerce. And California's regulation of lawsuits of a Dallas company sure as heck sounds like something that falls under federal jurisdiction.

Comment Re:Oh come on. (Score 3, Insightful) 794

The app is ignorant and bigoted and offensive, as well as pushing an agenda based on hatered and lies. That honestly sounds like 'good natured fun' to you? Really? I agree with you that the app is absurd. But I don't find it particularly hilarious, especially knowing the number of people damaged and even driven to suicide by anti-gay "ex-gay" programs. There's a real human cost here, and I just can't laugh at that.

Then don't download the app. Neither you nor anyone else has the right to decide what speech is damaging. The human cost for the suppression of free speech is far far greater than anything this app could possible do.

If this country oppressed free speech, then slavery may not have ended, Jim Crow may not have been defeated, and homosexuality may still have remained in the DSM as a mental disorder. At the time, speech proposing the end of any of those items was considered ignorant, offensive, and pushing an agenda based on lies.

Moralities change in this country, and what is considered offensive, dangerous, and disgusting evolve and change. But through it all, we retain the right to speech and that is--more than anything else--what allows us to evolve as a society. It is the thin layer separating us as a free society from an oppressed one where some self-imposed leader decides what is right and what is wrong.

Comment Re:'Religion Cure' app? (Score 2) 794

Anyone have a 'Religiousness Cure' app handy that can help people become atheist? Would be fun to watch the reactions when Apple approve that one...

Apple has approved a number of atheist apps, including one using the mildly derogatory term "BibleThumper": http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/03/technology/03atheist.html

Comment Re:Crazy people (Score 1) 2166

If you think that the hate is limited to the Right, you are sadly mistaken:

Arsonist Strikes on Cape Cod, Leaves Calling Card: ‘F–k the Rich’.

Kanjorski on Gov.-Elect Rick Scott: “Shoot Him.”

“A Madison man was arrested Tuesday in connection with a bomb threat Sunday afternoon that disrupted a town Republican fundraiser featuring Senate candidate Linda McMahon.”

Gunman who took hostages at Discovery Channel inspired by Al Gore.

James Cameron: Shoot Climate 'Deniers,' Glenn Beck a 'F------ A--hole'

I honestly could go on and on and on. Just do some basic Google searches.

Seriously, how must hate was spewed by the left against Bush during his entire administration? Why wasn't Al Gore blamed for the Discovery Channel hostage situation? Truth is, you just want to twist a mentally disturbed individual's actions in order to score political points. And that makes you part of the problem in this country.

Comment Re:Dude. (Score 5, Informative) 2166

No, actually, it isn't.

People waiving the flag of false equivalence are intellectually corrupt. Violent rhetoric is not coming from both sides of the political spectrum, it's coming from the Fox News right.

I think a lot of people buy that crap because they're too gutless to take a stand for what's right.

You have missed a great deal if you think the Left isn't full of violent rhetoric. Forget all the stuff leveled at Bush? Heck, a CBS show literally displayed a picture of Bush with "Snipers Wanted" imposed over it. Look at Bill Ayers, who has at least some relationship with the President of the United States, and is unrepentant of the violent actions of the Weather Underground group he helped found. He has event been quoted as wishing he did more. Look at the violence at G20 conventions or the death threats against people like Ann Coulter. I could go on and on. Check out this page for a large number of links to "Left-wing Eliminationist Rhetoric" http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/?s=ELIMINATIONIST

Take some advice from Media Matters after the Discovery Channel incident. Should be applied to all similar incidents.. "Discovery Channel hostage-taker is the perpetrator of a crime-not liberal, conservative or a chance to score points " http://twitter.com/mmfa/status/22739013962

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 5, Insightful) 1135

Then the GOP would not have a way to scare people into voting against their own interests.

Remember, patriotism is abandoning our liberties and principles to fight terrorism in order to preserve our... uh... profit margins?

Do you live in some alternate universe where John McCain was voted president? In my time line, we have a Democrat named Barack Obama who has been president for nearly 2 years now. We also have massive Democrat majorities in Congress. Not only are things as bad in this area, they have actually gotten significantly worse.

Comment Re:Song of Songs (Score 4, Insightful) 393

Please, someone create a TV show based on the Song of Songs of the Bible to fuck with those people.

What to do, what to do. It's the Bible and yet, it's porn!

Why do you assume that all Christians would be offended? I am a member of one of the most "conservative" Southern Baptist mega churches around, and neither my wife nor I have ever attended a Sunday School or sermon which said that Song of Songs wasn't about sex and wasn't an awesome book. If all you know about Christianity are the stereotypes on TV, I feels sorry for your ignorance. For most Protestant denominations, within marriage sex is considered an extremely wonderful and important part of a couple's relationship.

Comment Re:Culturally relevant? (Score 5, Informative) 420

Call me crazy, but is Star Wars even culturally relevant anymore? It feels like Disco at this point.

Ask your average boy who is 4-8 years old how relevant Star Wars is. I teach pre-K Sunday School, and I can tell you that Star Wars is extremely popular, especially the prequel/Clone Wars stuff. It is weird to get kids whose favorite character is "Obi-Wan". For more details on the how relevant Star Wars is there is a great article by Emily Bazelon called Why does Star Wars still take over the minds of small boys? http://www.slate.com/id/2215160

Comment Easier != better + analog running. (Score 1) 324

I have PCs and consoles and killed many hours on FPS since Wolf3D, but I have leaned more towards consoles because of the ease of use and multiplayer. However, I still play strategy games on the PC and am very much looking forward to Civ V.

Some thoughts:

1. Keyboard+mouse is definitely easier, but I feel that it makes it *too* easy to aim--especially for a sniper.
2. People talk about the mouse so much they forget about the limitations of the keyboard. Movement is definitely not as fluid on a keyboard. The problem is that it is pure digital. Want to go up? It is either "forward" or "forward quickly". You can't press the s key lightly to go forward slowly.
3. Being able to turn quicker isn't necessarily better. Being able to do a 180 in 100ms just doesn't feel right in a game.
4. Because you are playing against people with the same limitations, you don't really notice the difference once you get used to it. You are just "in the game".

Comment Re:Openness vs Harrasment (Score 1) 701

I really want the open science movement to be about making science more accessible and more appealing and more part of the culture. This subversion of the open science movement in the name of derailing climate science, which in turn hides the real intent of delaying climate policy until all the fossil reserves are cashed in, is a disaster on more fronts than one. One unfortunate aspect is that it drives important segments of the scientific community to treat the open science movement as a threat to science. Advocates of open science would do well to think twice about the motivations and actions of this gang.

Are you actually arguing that you cannot do open science in climate science because someone may actually question the results? What would have happened if scientists in the 19th century buried the evidence from Mercury's orbit that could not be accounted for from Newtonian physics and heaven forbid someone question their theories? I really cannot believe much of what I am reading on Slashdot attacking scientists (and not just bloggers) who question of the aspects of climate science.

If you look on both sides of this debate, it is the climate scientists who sounds like religious fundamentalists! They have their faith and nothing will convince them otherwise. All naysayers are even satanists/Fox News watchers/teabaggers/Ad Hominem attack. They maybe right, but telling me that hiding the evidence is just how science is done is BS. I would like to see someone show me *ANY* other examples from science where the evidence needed to be hidden from other scientists "for the good of truth".

And don't kid yourselves about the piousness of either side. Al Gore has shown there is a lot of money to be made in the Global Warming trade. There is a great deal of grant money up for grabs and as well as corporations who would love nothing more than make money off of cap-and-trade.

Comment Re:An Alternative (Score 3, Insightful) 560

[rant] Instead of passively witnessing multimillionaire drug addicts chase a ball to sell ad space... do something. Take the people who were going to show up for "da big game" outside to play tag football. Have a foosball championship. [/rant]

What, wasting your valuable time playing a meaningless trivial thing like foosball instead of doing something productive with your time like reading and discussing Joyce's Ulysses?

Believe or not, I love computer programming AND sports. And you are ignorant if you think sports is just a passive mindless activity. Sports works on multiple levels. First it is a social activity--an excuse for people to get together to enjoy each others company---not really that different from a foosball tournament or a card game or going to a movie. Most of the enjoyment of a card game is not the card game itself--it is socializing with others. Same with sports.

Second, for a true sports fan the sport is more than just a passive activity. Fans analyze and appreciate the nuances of tactics, strategy, and individual skill throughout the game. The reason that sports people are unfamiliar with are "boring" is they don't see and are not aware of the details. Baseball is a very boring sport, unless you understand the pitcher/batter matchup. Then it is very exciting. Knowing what pitches the pitcher throws, how well they throw them, what the batters strengths and weakness are. The situation with who is on base, what the score is, how tired the pitcher is, etc. Same with football (ie soccer) or American football or any sport. The defensive alignment of an American football team, the offensive execution of a basketball team, the trap play of a hockey team. For a fan, much of the fun is trying to predict what will happen and watching it play out.

Then, much like the Olympics, there is the sheer amazing in watching what the human body can do. To perform an athletic feat that is seemingly impossible.

Finally, with things like fantasy football, there is a sort of meta-level game that you are apart of.

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