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Comment Portal, South Park Stick of Truth, Monkey Island.. (Score 2) 382

SouthPark Stick of Truth
Monkey Island 1+2 (+3)
HalfLife (Source), Opposing Force, HalfLife2
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Unreal Tournament '99
Quake, QuakeWorld, Quake2, Quake3Arena
Splinter Cell and/or Thief
Sam & Max
Neverwinter Nights
Gianna Sisters

Comment Brace yourselves for mandatory fine arts majors! (Score 1) 120

So next to your CS degree you are going to need a fine arts major and better be a published author, recognized composer or important contemporary painter on top of 50+ years of working experience in a technology that's been around for 5 years oh and please do not be older than 25 because we all know from your 30s it is downhill, you cost 300 times "too much", experience doesn't mean anything and your are "not flexible".

It is becoming absolutely ridiculous what people seem to think a "real programmer" should have in terms of traits or characteristics and qualifications, and blogs like these add to the quaint conception. How about you HR drones pick a decent, common sense guy with roughly the qualifications regardless of age and establish a good working environment where you are making sure you train people and enable them to do a good job and grow in their knowledge and skill instead of looking for the one "rockstars" to save your death-march project, the "rockstar" whom you are going to pay a shamefully low salaries?

Comment Re:There's another treatment that stops most T2 (Score 5, Insightful) 253

Note that the article talks about a TREATMENT and not a CURE. Your diet and workout regime is also a TREATMENT and not a CURE. As it stands now Type2 can go into remission which usually means your GP will take you off of your meds and people think they are "cured" when actually they are not cured, their condition is just in remission and like your account vividly displays: it can quickly flare up again.

Comment Re:Dead on arrival (Score 1) 345

You are of course spot on and everything you said goes double for a Harley. Everyone I know who ever looked at a Harley did so for the "legend" and the noise and definitely not the technology.
Theoretically the e-engine would give this bike some crazy pick-up just like all those e-cars have shown us but of course that does not matter even a tiny little bit for the typical chopper and Harley rider.

Comment Re:Thyroid problem (Score 3, Insightful) 625

You are technically right, the worst kind of being right. You are completely neglecting the multitude of e.g. psychological issues that cause people to eat so much they become morbidly obese.
This is not such a simple issue and oversimplifying it in a condescending way will not help this problem practically all first world countries are facing.

Comment Wait a minute... (Score 1) 100

So if I actually buy and wear some overpriced "headset" that has built-in brainwave receptors then companies could be mining my brainwaves? Well hold the presses everyone! Next thing you know there are people who will "hack" into my bank account because I decided to print my login information on a tshirt!!

The main article is a farce. There is no "remote" reading going on against your will, you actually have to wear some useless "headset" and then be exposed to pretty obvious material ("flashing" straight or gay couples or candidates, really??) so "they" can gather all that information. This is akin to monitoring someone's heart rate and pupil response which also requires you to be strapped to certain machinery.

Comment Re:Why stop there? (Score 1) 1040

Well and while you are here whining and not making any better suggestions, Seattle went ahead and decided for one of the not-so-great options and they decided employees deserve more rights than big, fat corporations in that case.
You thought these topics are easy to solve and the solutions should be clean cut and perfect? I thought you said you were on both sides of that discussion.

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