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Comment So don't call it a phone... (Score 1) 396

You've waited this long to buy a smart phone because you don't use your phone?

Just because it's called a "phone" doesn't mean that's the primary function. I make very little use of my "phone" to actually talk to people. You've missed out on years of great utility because of this ridiculous notion.

Comment Re:This is impractical (Score 1) 625

Surprising people are arguing that it can't be done.

Stations are obviously making commercials louder than the TV program. They could, then, make them the same volume.

The problem you attacked (if I understand correctly) is that of keeping the volume approximately the same without having the a priori knowledge of what separates a program from the commercial. The stations have this information. They're simply turning up the volume when a commercial hits. The solution is as easy as this: "Don't do that!"

Comment Re:LINUX rounds numbers fine (Score 0, Troll) 764

Linux is by no means free.

First, consider that the cost differential between a new Linux-based PC and a new Windows-based PC is essentially $0 due to the difficulty in getting a PC without an OS unless you build your own.

Second, consider the complications involved in getting that Linux-based PC to interoperate with the various applications, networks, etc that might be found on your typical college campus and you've just opened up a huge can of wasted time.

I was a Linux user for many years. But let's be honest. Linux is great for serving but has almost no merit as a college student's OS.

There are loads of free things in this world, but that doesn't automatically imply that you should value them positively.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 3, Insightful) 446

Because the market *should* be protected? Why you ask? Because the government has pushed people into investing in the market by way of tax-deductible retirement funds such as 401k and IRAs.

Personally, I think the tax-deductible retirement accounts are a scam to get people investing more money in the stock market. My preference would be to get rid of this ridiculous concept, but that's not going to happen. So, since the government has coerced the general public into investing in a market they have no clue about, the government should do what it can to protect that market somehow.

What we have now is essentially a government which encourages (by way of a 30% discount) people to hand their money over to blackjack players to gamble with their money.

Quants are fine as long as people are investing with that money. The problem is, the general public can't compete -- they're just along for the ride.

Comment Re:No kidding (Score 4, Insightful) 149

For example GE has $154 BILLION in revenues, yet makes only $10 Billion in terms of income available to common.

Well, yes. But lots and lots of employees at GE have very comfortable incomes. The company itself may only be making a particular margin, but when you consider the wealth of the employees, things change dramatically.

Comment Re:I will say it and await the flames (Score 1) 164

Agree 100%. You're absolutely nuts if you think you can handle the taxes and accounting any better or cheaper with free software than you can using something as simple as QuickBooks and an accountant.

Free Software is only free if you value your time at $0.

LegalZoom can be helpful for small-time stuff. For anything serious, establish a relationship with a decent law firm that handles small business transactional stuff. They have hundreds of contracts that make up their portfolio and can typically start with those for nearly anything you need. A solo attorney won't have anywhere near the breadth of material as a firm. And a firm has a much larger pool of expertise to pull from.

If you are serious about making money doing the things you're good at, then you shouldn't have a problem spending money on the things you're not good at.

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