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Comment Re:Beautiful code but (Score 4, Funny) 399

Did we play the same game?

The atmosphere was interesting for the first 5 hours of gameplay, then it just got in the way of trying to play the game.

I got to the point where, every time I'd walk through a door, I'd look to the side and fire into the demon I *knew* was standing there. It was like the line in Last Action Hero where Arnold walks into his apartment, kid in tow, walks into the bedroom and puts a few rounds into the closet door. A ninja falls out of the closet, dead, and the kid says, "How did you know there was a ninja in there?" Arnold says, "There's always a ninja in there."

The only discomfort I felt was when I was squinting and cranking the gamma up just so I could see what I was doing.

The story sucked, too. What do I expect from a FPS? Deus Ex, Bioshock, System Shock, and all their associated sequels, etc. etc.

Comment Re:it tells you one thing, at least (Score 1) 1719

Fear - the most concise explanation I've read so far for all these shootings. Paranoia, fear, mistrust of the government, of one's own neighbors, of one's own family. You nailed this one on the head.

That fear is bred by our divisive politics and our sensationalist media. I blame the news more than I blame guns and gun ownership. I think gun ownership is another symptom of the problem - not the problem itself. Banning assault weapons won't work.

What's the solution? Funding public mental health hospitals and asylums are a step in the right direction. Treatment over incarceration is the right direction as well. Psychological testing of school children might help identify potential problems and get kids the help they need before it's too late. Finally, ratchet down the political rhetoric.

Ultimately, though, history shows that whenever we have a dramatic shift of how society functions, we have an increase in violence. Either we have a war (American Revolution, American Civil War, etc) or we have riots like in the 60's, anarchist bombings like the Haymarket Riot, assassinations like Lincoln, or many other examples throughout history. Unfortunately, we live in turbulent times currently, where we have a national conversation on moderately changing the entire direction of the country - changing how we operate for the first time since Jimmy Carter left office. Naturally, it's going to lead to a lot of fear, and as a result, a lot of violence.

Comment Re:This is stupid (Score 2) 321

I heard once that the reason he didn't do anything with SW after ROTJ was because his ex-wife had a clause in the pre-nup that guaranteed her a certain percentage of Star Wars revenue for 10 years after their divorce - he started work on the special editions as soon as it expired.

Just a rumor, though - I have nothing confirming it.


Nvidia Doubles Linux Driver Performance, Slips Steam Release Date 363

leppi writes "Nvidia has announced a huge increase in Linux gaming performance for their GeForce R310 drivers after almost a year of development alongside Valve and other game developer partners. Nvidia's announcement also indicated the Steam beta for Linux should be out today. Quoting: 'Available for download at, the new R310 drivers were also thoroughly tested with Steam for Linux, the extension of Valve's phenomenally popular Steam gaming platform that officially opened to gamers starting today. ... Comparing 304.51 driver performance of 142.7 fps versus 310.14 driver performance of 301.4 fps in beta build of Left for Dead 2. All tests run on the same system using Intel Core i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz with 8 GB memory, GeForce GTX 680 and Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit.'" Update: 11/06 21:00 GMT by S : Valve has gone ahead and announced the Steam for Linux Beta. They've sent invites to a number of people who filled out the application, and they'll be inviting more as the test goes along. The beta test is available for installation on Ubuntu 12.04, with support for other distros to come: "We intend to support additional popular distros in the future; we’ll prioritize development for these based on user feedback."

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