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Submission + - Artificial Vision Technology For AR Glasses Lets The Blind 'See With Sound'

rjmarvin writes: Dutch physcist Peter Meijer has developed sensory substitution software called vOICe http://sdt.bz/68889, which converts live camera images into corresponding soundscapes to preserve pictorial information. vOICe, which runs on Windows with USB camera glasses and on Android with Google Glass, scans video frames from left to right while associating height with pitch and brightness with sound intensity, according to Meijer. In a research paper http://www.seeingwithsound.com..., Meijer and psychology professor Jamie Ward reported late-blind users who have memories of prior eyesight experienced visual sensations.

Submission + - Samsung Galaxy Glass Patent Plans To Turn Fingers Into A Keyboard

rjmarvin writes: Samsung looks to have found a way around voice commands for smart glasses by projecting an augmented reality keyboard http://sdt.bz/68883 onto users' hands. Galaxy Glass wearers' thumbs are used as input devices, tapping different areas of their fingers where various keys are virtually mapped. According to the August 2013 patent filing http://patentscope.wipo.int/se... with the WIPO and South Korea's Intellectual Property Office, Samsung states that voice controls are too imprecise a technology, which are too heavily impacted by the noise levels of the surrounding environment.

Submission + - One Wearable Ring To Rule Them All

rjmarvin writes: Ring, a new wearable input device from Logbar, gives users gesture-control over devices with the flick of a finger http://sdt.bz/68858. The "Ringbearer" can control smartphone apps and home appliances through a bluetooth connection, send texts by writing letters in the air and pay bills, all using gestures. The iOS, Android and Windows Phone-compatible device, which has already far exceeded its Kickstarter goal https://www.kickstarter.com/pr..., executes unique gestures for each app and letter of the alphabet. Ring ships this July. No word yet on whether there will be a custom golden ring inscribed with the black speech of Mordor.

Submission + - Spark Advances From Apache Incubator To Top-Level Project

rjmarvin writes: The Apache Software Foundation announced the open-source cluster-computing framework for Big Data analysis has graduated http://sdt.bz/68845 from the Apache Incubator to a top-level project. A project management committee will guide the projects day-to-day operations, and Databricks cofounder and VP of Apache Spark Matei Zaharia will be appointed VP of Apache Spark.Spark runs programs 100x faster than Apache Hadoop MapReduce in memory, and it provides APIs that enable developers to rapidly develop applications in Java, Python or Scala, according to the ASF http://spark.apache.org/.

Submission + - Docker Is The Future Of Software Development

rjmarvin writes: We don't often see technologies arise that are clearly the future of software development. Git was one such piece of software. Hadoop another. This year it's Docker http://sdt.bz/68844. In a time when applications must be reworked and redeployed almost daily, Docker doesn't require everyone to write to some crazy framework, or to push all of their models into some form of PaaS. Instead, it requires developers to build in Linux http://sdt.bz/68736, and to uncouple their applications from each other. The day-to-day drudgery of keeping virtual machine OS images up to date is destroyed by Docker, and good riddance.

Submission + - Jeeves, A Privacy-Conscious Programming Language

rjmarvin writes: A team in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab has developed an open-source programming language implemented in Python and Scala that has built-in privacy features http://sdt.bz/68831. MIT PhD student Jean Yang created a language that removes human error from code governing user privacy policies, making it easier for social app developers to enforce them in social networking apps where users upload personal information with varying levels of privacy. Jeeves uses a policy-agnostic programming process http://projects.csail.mit.edu/... to automatically label information with different privacy settings so that adding new features won't create bugs that lead to things like a leaked Facebook location.

Submission + - ArnoldC, An Arnold Schwarzenegger-Based Programming Language

rjmarvin writes: ArnoldC is an imperative programming language that replaces basic keywords with classic one-liners from various Arnold Schwarzenegger movies http://sdt.bz/68824. Instead of EndMain you type YOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED, instead of CallMethod it's DO IT NOW, instead of AssignVariableFromMethodCall it's GET YOUR ASS TO MARS, etc. The language is parsed using parboiled and ASM to generate Java bytecode, and it's hosted on GitHub https://github.com/lhartikk/Ar....

Submission + - Java SE and OpenJDK 8 land March 18

rjmarvin writes: Java SE 8 and a final version of OpenJDK 8, with support for lambda expressions, are expected to be released on March 18, according to Oracle http://sdt.bz/68778. Oracle VP of software development at the Java Platform Georges Saab said that a major focus of OpenJDK 8 and Java SE 8 was “making sure the performance is still excellent. This is the largest change ever been made to Java. This is a change we made both to the languages and in the Java virtual machine.” The new Strings API is one of many new APIs added inside the core libraries, but the lambda support is the biggest functionality addition to Java since Java SE 5, and the reason Java 8's releases were delayed beyond last summer.

Submission + - Apple Awarded Patent For Fitness-Tracking Headphones

rjmarvin writes: Apple has the green light to develop a "sports monitoring system for headphones, earbuds and/or headsets" http://sdt.bz/68772 that can track user activities and biometric data such as perspiration, temperature and heart rate. According to the patent http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi..., the user would also be able to control an electronic device with the monitoring system by using head gestures. The system as being able to monitor user activities and make appropriate decisions based on a user’s conditions, like motivating a fatigued runner with by playing a song or increasing tempo.

Submission + - Netflix Is Building Deep Learning Neural Networks Hosted On Amazon Web Services

rjmarvin writes: Netflix is researching http://sdt.bz/68770 how deep learning artificial intelligence algorithms could improve the Netflix movie and TV recommendation engine. But unlike larger tech companies like Facebook and Google, Netflix is running its algorithms on Amazon Web Services, where it already hosts its streaming service, rather than building custom infrastructure. Netflix engineers explained how the neural networks work in a blog post http://techblog.netflix.com/20..., breaking down how they'll use GPUs running on AWS to build the deep learning computers, systems that mimic the structure and behavior of the human brain.

Submission + - The Man Behind Android++

rjmarvin writes: The Android++ extension http://sdt.bz/67636 gives developers working in Visual Studio a way to develop C and C++ applications for Android without leaving Microsoft’s IDE. Justin Webb, lead programmer at gaming company NaturalMotion in Oxford, England, is the coder behind the extension, which also ensures native source-level debugging and MSBuild scripts to increase coherence in developing C/C++ apps. SD Times talked to Webb http://sdt.bz/68762 about how the extension came to be, why it doesn't support C# and how it could help bridge the platform gap.

Submission + - A Valentine's Day Guide To Targeting For Mobile App Developers

rjmarvin writes: With so many apps available and competition for new users increasing, developers need to grab an arrow, strap on some proverbial wings and fully leverage the targeting strategies available. A broad, fundamental targeting strategy http://sdt.bz/68751 helps reach the desired audience, keeps marketing relevant to users, and works well on a basic level. Tried-and-true targeting abilities include device, carrier, geo-location, demographics and context. Other options beyond the broad strategy include retargeting, targeting based on similar interest, look-alike modeling and negative targeting/efficiency.Cupid, draw back your bow and let fly.

Submission + - IBM Draws A (Red) Line From The Internet Of Things To Developers

rjmarvin writes: IBM has created an open-source project http://sdt.bz/68755 allowing developers to create software integrating APIs and multiple devices to approach the Internet of Things. Node-RED http://nodered.org/ is a simple point-and-click development interface designed for supporting the development of applications that require functionality or input from physical devices. The tool is available free online, and developers have already begun to add their own devices and actions to the platform.

Submission + - Conan O'Brien Explains Why He Turned Down The Microsoft CEO Job

rjmarvin writes: Conan O'Brien has a "three-point action plan" http://sdt.bz/68741 to turn Microsoft back into an "industry titan:" "1. Zune. 2. More Zune 3. Even More Zune." He also thinks the Surface tablet should come with tiny windshield wipers and that Scarlett Johannson should voice all Microsoft OSs. The funnyman and host of "CONAN" on TBS took to LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/today... to congratulate Satya Nadella as the "right second choice" for the job, and to explain why he graciously turned it down.

Submission + - Docker To Offer For-Pay Repository, GitHub-Like Sharing Method

rjmarvin writes: The Linux container company, formerly known as dotCloud is changing the way developers and IT deploy applications at scale, and is growing to harbor future innovation http://sdt.bz/68736. CTO Solomon Hykes says Docker has big plans for monetization this year, including a GitHub-like method of sharing containers for more generic usage, and offering a for-pay repository for building containers from existing artifacts. Docker will also continue to offer its Linux container-based PaaS.

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