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Comment Re:No offsite backups? (Score 4, Insightful) 387

>Sounds like a brilliant strategy, and an epic demonstration of what can go wrong with the cloud.

No, it's just an example of what can happen to incompetent people. There's no reason to believe that these people would not have also failed to have offline backup with local servers. There was nothing to prevent them from keeping backups locally or on another cloud.

Blaming cloud computing for this is completely idiotic, and about what I expect on the dumbed down Slashdot these days.

Comment Re:Feature or bug? (Score 4, Insightful) 89

>Do device "owners" really want phones that "accept only applications approved by the company".

Of course they do. You may not have heard of it, but there's a device called an iPhone that's tremendously popular, and this feature is one of the reasons.

Locked down devices are not for me, but one would have to really have their head in the sand to not notice that safer to use devices are popular with many, many people.

Comment Re:you should be able to... (Score 1) 249

>Funny, I was expecting this crowd to have fantasies of crippling those apps' developers.

There is a lot of insanity and paranoia at /., But I haven't ever seen calls to cripple anyone.

>I mean seriously, $(app vendor), your app does not need access to my location and/or phone calls in order for me to do $(menial computation X)

No it doesn't have to, but a developer has the right to require whatever permissions they want in return for their (probably priced at $0) work. The user has the right to accept or reject those terms. This just got more complicated, but everyone still has their rights.

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