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Comment Re:For work I use really bad passwords (Score 2) 136

The best passwords are the random ones generated by password managers, but the silly rules prevent you from using them. They also prevent people from using secure "personal words" like that weirdly named village you passed through once on vacation. All passwords-by-rule tend to deteriorate to obvious word with initial capital with a 0 or a 1 on the end.

Comment Your best bet would be hydropower (Score 2) 365

This would start with the same hydromechanical power that preceded the industrial revolution: small dams providing direct mechanical power for mills and machinery. At the same time, you can smelt metals with wood, After initial reboot, being able to machine metals and draw wire would lead to hydroelectricity.

Comment Re:Just curious (Score 2, Informative) 249

Christianity has long ago admitted its past mistakes, and thrives in cultures whose secular liberals endlessly rake over the evils of the past. Not so with that other religion that dogs our headlines.

To bring in some News For Nerds relevance, the Vatican made up for its treatment of Galileo by setting up its own observatory, which in modern times has stayed on the front wave of astronomical technology:

The irony is that to get this very facility built, Rome had to wage another crusade against the pitchfork-waving Greens.

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