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Comment Re:Start with the software developers and type saf (Score 1) 169

I used the same approach my requiring my users tattoo their passwords on their foreheads. Eventually my user base dropped to almost zero...but for those who stayed I did see an interesting trend. Passwords like %uS*32Ldi# started prevailing because passwords like wafflebunny make for an embarrassing tattoo.

Comment Re:My personal experience (Score 1) 358

That makes the assumption that one could only learn the concepts taught in a CS degree by participating in the program. That if you do not participate, then you will never be able to open some of those doors. That is simply not true. A college degree is an expensive certification that usually comes with little to no working experience. That is all.

Formal Education != Eating

Comment Re:My personal experience (Score 1) 358

If you do not have a good (!) formal education in CS, what you can do is quite limited.

Having a CS degree by no means makes your skill-set unlimited. It is possible for someone without a formal degree to be more qualified. Life is complicated, we don't have to put a stamp on everything. Degrees are great, it tells me someone made it through boot-camp....this accounts for something, not everything.

Comment Re:Walking yes, standing no. (Score 5, Funny) 312

We have an employee with a treadmill at his desk. He walks and types. Of course his emails usually read something like, "Hewmy Jammmmes, I gto taht TSp reprt dne!".

Its a new form of crypto...with different levels, depending on the level of difficulty the treadmill is set on:
HILL128 - Hilly Level 1
MNT512 - Mountains Level 5
DED1028 - Death Race Level 10

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