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Comment Re:Same as it's been forever. (Score 3, Informative) 303

Some closed source hardware providers choose them as targets for their products.
yum is better than apt
Lots of time is put testing so you don't get nasty surprises on production services that support millionaire businesses.
Long (really long) term support (and by support I mean security updates).

On the other hand, It's not a fair comparison, you should compare RHEL against Debian Stable.

Comment Re:Primal difference between Man and Woman (Score 1) 342

Men get a primal Promethean thrill and ego boost from creating machines from symbols. Women get the same thrill and primal sense-of-purpose from creating new living human beings (i.e. babies), instead of machinery.

And you base that on what?
And Even if those affirmations were true, they'd be meaningless unless:

Women don't get a primal Promethean thrill and ego boost from creating machines from symbols.
Men don't get a primal sense-of-purpose from creating new living human beings.

Comment Re:Bring back windows XP. (Score 1) 545

Could you list some stuff that mere mortals are able to do with newer OS but not with XP
(Honest question, I've barely touched 7 and never had the pleasure of using 8. As a Linux user, when WMs went full retard (again), I changed to awesome WM and haven't had to face change since.)

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