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Comment Re:Excellent. Now how about High Fructose Corn Syr (Score 1) 851

I've been on a nearly ketogenic diet for the past year.. it's just this knee-jerk soccer mom like reaction to HFCS just seems dumb to me.

Sugar and HFCS are nearly the same, barring some slight metabolic differences (fructose being metabolized by the liver -- thanks Dr. Lustig, that was an interesting hour long video!) After not consuming much of either of them, i definitely feel better, and 70 pounds lighter to boot. =/

Comment Re:I do not consent (Score 1) 851

Well the problem with these things, is that the ill effects take so long to materialize, that by now we've all consumed enough of them to potentially suffer. How would you separate the pre-ban, to post-ban effects?

Comment Re:Interesting hypothesis (Score 1) 409

well, it wouldn't mr. other random guy on the internet; see obese mothers tend to have heavier babies. If a fetus is being marinated in insulin, there's a good chance that baby will grow up to be obese. Please try to contradict that.

I'd also have to counter, the rise in obesity tracks very, very, very well to the rise in carbohydrate consumption.

Comment Manners please. (Score 1) 479

Having been on the other end of that phone at varying times in my life (ranging from consumer tech support, to enterprise support) i try to be as patient and compliant as possible -- though if they are leading me on a goose chase I'll try to be subtle and point them in the proper direction.

Because face it, most people are assholes; especially when something they are paying for, isn't working.

They have to deal with assholes 8+ hours a day, every day, for a really shit wage. I can play nice for an hour or so on phone. =(

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