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Comment Re:"Secret" (Score 1) 390


1) The .mil has been experimenting with ebola for decades. What biological weapons program wouldn't? In the process of experimenting, they've also developed countermeasure in case the Ruskies (or other enemy agents) are doing the same.
2) These countermeasures have been sitting in secret in secret .gov labs for awhile, awaiting for weaponized ebola.
3) Bunches of Africans die from the disease. Who cares?
4) Two white Americans get it, and suddenly "Oh, right, we have a cure."

Comment Re:Please answer me one question (Score 2) 195

The guys that made all the money during the San Francisco Gold Rush weren't the guys panning for gold, but the guys selling shovels and food. Same concept here. Why get out there and hope to "get lucky" on a completely unproven commodity when you can sell the equipment to the actual speculators? It's not just a matter of flipping a switch and waiting, btw, there's power consumption. A farm like in the article isn't running off house mains, generally speaking, not to mention the actual space, cooling, and probably a security system to make sure someone just doesn't come in and steal your shit (or defecate on everything because $DRUNK).

Comment Sometimes I wonder just WTH is up with SV (Score 3, Interesting) 514

Maybe there is something to the SV culture that's either rotten or just too self-absorbed to acknowledge there may be a problem. I'm down in SoCal (LA) and having worked for several small tech shops, I've never seen the issues that a lot of folks complain about up in SV. My workgroup is 50% female, and other than my manager, everyone is a minority (black, asian, indian-asian (and not H1Bs). Upper management tends to be of the white-male variety (I dunno, do we count gingers in that?) although our CEO is white female. I've been on the interview panels and it's not like we were hiring for diversity. We were just looking for people who had the technical know-how and personalities that would not be detrimental to our work group. And, I must add, our women engineers are engineers, not just "tech evangelists" or "tech spokeswomen" and the like that seem to get a lot of controversial press up there. Our black developers? The same. Maybe there really is a tech-bro-fraternity mentality in the SV, I've not moved up there to find out for myself (and as an asian, I don't imagine I'd actually see much of it directed against me, but who knows? More likely, I'd face issues because I'm over the age of 40).

Comment Re:various places (Score 1) 85

Formatting ate my brackets. Chances are, if you're interested in a language, there's a /r for it. In that /r there's usually talk of projects built with that language, or articles comparing that to other frameworks. It's kinda like a wikipedia style hole you fall into. For example, on a whim I was looking at /r/smalltalk and found pharo. Once I was digging around pharo, found newspeak. Or in /r/lisp, found dr. racket while reading through. I haven't read through /r/linux though, mainly because I'm rather content with my Mint installation, although I have been eyeing trying a slack release again on another box.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 1) 962

/* so is there no shame for a guy to report being sodomized against his will by a man? */

Speaking as a man, I would much prefer admit I'd been sodomized against my will by a man than raped by a woman. Either scenario sucks, but most men can understand some gigantic physical specimen of a psycho raping another man, or being gang raped in prison. Almost no man wants to admit that some "girl" fucked him against his will, or used her position of power to gain "sexual favors" as a metric of job performance. Sorry.

Comment Re:Karma to burn so fuck you. (Score 1) 154

Well, exactly. Who the fuck wants to actually, you know, work for IBM? A gigantic, monolithic mega-corp with a potentially stable (not anymore!) cube job answering to middle management assholes, stuck in meetings, and occasionally getting to code for. Look, that might be your idea of a good job, but for many of us Open Source supporters, we're not wearing a tie or cutting off our beards just so we can get 'paid' to do open source. So when someone says "no one's getting paid to work on open source," what they mean is, there aren't many one man or 5 man shops developing Open Source for a living. There are exceptions, but there's a million projects out there that prove the rule.

Whether or not this is a good thing, I don't know, but I sure as hell didn't decide when I was 8 years old "Mommy! Daddy! I wanna be a numbered cube worker!" /snark

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