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Comment Re:virtual paymend cards not supported (Score 2) 240

It has to be a debit card; since Paypal stopped doing virtual cards, I don't know of any debit cards that do them any more. I have Discover and Citibank credit cards specifically because they do support them, though that doesn't help here.

And actually, they do brag about being PCI DSS certified in their "Security" section.

Which doesn't mitigate the fact that they are setting up a phishing gold mine: "click here to enter your debit card number and receive some free money!"

Comment They really don't get it (Score 1) 125

I specifically *avoid* the "News Feed" *because* it weeds stuff out. Maybe I'm weird, but I actually want to know what my friends have to say - that's *why* I'm on facebook. I don't want anyone else blocking stuff, especially when it does such a crappy job as facebook does, blocking way too much, yet not blocking the crap like "games people are playing" and "trending" that *facebook* sticks in there that I couldn't care less about.

And speaking of "anyone", one of the defenses against snooping through people's postings is "it's a computer not a person", meaning "no one will know what we find". When you get to a certain level of ai however, there's not a practical difference as far as the privacy issues people care about are concerned...

Comment Not news (Score 1) 418

I've said this all along: if cell phones were as dangerous as people make them out to be, accident rates would have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades...

We have a certain amount of processing capability, and the danger isn't until you cross the threshold. Talking generally doesn't do it. Texting usually does, though mostly because it's an inherently more cumbersome user interface.

Comment Re:Not your fathers Star Trek! (Score 1) 514

Yes, the times are different. That doesn't excuse JJ from turning Star Trek into a cheesy, unbelievable, action flick that will be forgotten tomorrow, instead of exploring today's issues that people will remember 50 years from now. He even started with a premise that had a huge amount of potential for providing the sort of moral dilemma X-Men has been good at delivering and throwing it away with a cardboard villain (the one who was the real villain). You can have good, believable, action with a good story too, they aren't inherently mutually exclusive. This movie doesn't have either. The only thing that saves it at all is the character interactions.

Comment Re:As an indie filmmaker... (Score 1) 187

Bittorrent breaks the distribution problem, but doesn't help the money problem.

There are subscription trackers that can solve that problem as well. Many people use bittorrent because it's the easiest or only way to get content, not because they don't want to pay for it. There are those that don't of course, but they're not going to pay for it regardless, so they don't really count. Make it easy to get and easy to pay for and you'll get paid as much as, if not more than (no need to give others a cut), you will through other means.

Comment Internal diagnostics (Score 2) 456

I'd like to be able to know exactly where problems are and of what sort, and the control and knowledge to go with it: antibodies! Get that now! Metabolism! I just ate a piece of cake - crank it up and burn it off! (well, after running it on high for a few months to lose <too many> kilos) Abs - a little more definition please.

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