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Comment Re:Will they mess up and block windows update or s (Score 1) 329

I wouldn't be surprised. I was recently trying to help someone set up Skype. They couldn't connect and it turned out TalkTalk's default filters were blocking it. Who would even buy internet where the default blocks are more strict than most schools? YouTube, Facebook, Skype and a load of other stuff is just blocked. It is crazy.

Comment Re:Crap article. (Score 1) 113

I am getting kind of sick of these science fair winners being hailed as scientific heroes with amazing discoveries on Slashdot. There was an article a while back about how students who produced hydrogen from water with electrolysis and then fed that hydrogen back into a generator to produce energy had managed to make an unlimited source of electricity. It was a cool experiment but anyone with a rudimentary understanding of science can tell you it does not produce any electricity. The problem seems to be that the Slashdot editors have such a pathetic understanding of science that they will accept whatever sensationalized headlines get published by a news source without seeing through to the pretty basic scientific principles underneath.

Comment Why is this post so poorly thought out. (Score 1) 737

I stopped taking this post seriously when I got to the part that reads "45 percent of the entire gaming population is now women". That statistic is based on mobile games which I am sure are played predominantly by women and are not the subject of E3. If you would care to produce some relevant statistics then I might start caring about what you have to say.

Comment Re:great for all civil servants (Score 1) 320

I am from the UK and we have a legal system based on that. Our version of the Miranda rights have a section that reads "it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court". I.e. if you say nothing to the police then the jury can be instructed to infer that you made your story up before the trial.

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