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Comment Re:Either fast breeder or thorium (Score 1) 417

The carbon tax should be set at a rate that offsets any cost the energy producers are externalizing to the rest of us. I think the best choice would be directing the money into energy research (efficiency or clean production), an tax credit would fine in principle but would likely end up mostly going to large corporations, in no case should it go into the general fund. With the rate at that level it shouldn't be excessively burdensome and consumers will make rational choices on how to adapt.

The current best estimate of this cost is $40/ton in 2015 dollars. At a rough estimate this would increase the cost of Gasoline about $0.18 a gallon for an average car. Obviously it would have a variety of follow on effects for energy prices and the price of goods though industry would scramble to implement newly positive NPV projects that increased energy efficiency or switch fuel sources as appropriate so once things settled down it wouldn't really be that big a deal. Perhaps we might all be about 2% worse off compared to now, which sucks but is better than letting things get out of control and then doing crazy things later.

Comment Re:Great, Let's Build IFR's (Score 1) 417

Apparent to you, who apparently aren't exposed to many mainstream environmentalists.

Well, I can only comment on the ones in California, Oregon and the ones I hear on TV or the Internet. If that doesn't constitute the mainstream then I'm eager to hear where they are hidden.

The same argument could be made that people who oppose environmentalism apparently don't understand basic science--

That's a very broad grouping that includes people who understand science but don't agree with the reactionary solutions. I'd agree that the ones who are opposing the idea of global warming don't understand basic science.

such as "destroying our own food supply might be a bad idea."

I'd agree with that in principle, though many people who say that have no idea what they're talking about.

Comment Re:And it's not even an election year (Score 2) 407

It is entirely legitimate to not want to wipe out the savings of the middle class just so you can get at the rich people. The rich people may lose a bigger absolute number, but the middle class will lose out proportionately.

Putting the banks into receivership, wiping out the shareholders and selling off the assets to sounder banks to partially satisfy the bond holders while guaranteeing the depositors would have been the best solution for the middle class, it's also how capitalism is supposed to work. The implemented solution just acted as a giant wealth transfer to the rich.

Comment Re:you cannot fight the tide (Score 1) 407

What I find funny here (and on other tech sites) is that up until the moment you talk about H1B, everybody's all for opening up the borders and easing up on illegal immigration. It's all lovey-dovey "let's make them legal so they can pay their taxes" up until the point when they're actually legal and competing for the same jobs as the prevailent occupation as the community. But suddenly, as soon as the topic switches to H1B, it's a chorus of "don't let them in, they're stealing out jobs!"

There is a big difference between permanent immigrants and temporary workers. Solution, fast track citizenship for all H1B workers. If they're that great and that in demand we want them to stay.

Comment Re: And it's not even an election year (Score 1) 407

I don't understand how this falsehood keeps being perpetuated. People actually seem to be proud of being misinformed on this point.

Colonists and immigrants are not the same thing. An immigrant voluntarily chooses to give up their identity and adapt to a new one.

Wait, that distinction is important why? We're certainly not original natives which was the point. Of course, I suppose you have to draw the time divider somewhere since the Indians migrated here too if you go back far enough. Still, I'd call the 1700s a bit soon to be drawing that line.

Comment Re: And it's not even an election year (Score 1) 407

From a sysadmin perspective, we spent 18 months trying to find a competent sysadmin. When I spoke to HR, mid level sysadmins in the Denver area thought they were worth $250,000 a year.

Wow, maybe I need to move to Denver! Nah, I looked at salary levels for available jobs and they're normal, apparently you're just using hyperbole.

Comment Re:Great, Let's Build IFR's (Score 1) 417

That works only when you conveniently exclude those with entirely rational concerns about nuclear power by labelling anyone with such concerns "irrational".

If you're screaming that the world is going to end due to carbon emissions and unwilling use the safest known form of power that is scalable and has low carbon emissions then yeah I'd call that irrational.

Comment Re:Great, Let's Build IFR's (Score 1) 417

There are actually quite a number of environmentalists who have suggested that we should use nuclear power in order to get off of fossil fuels.

Anecdotal of course but my personal experience with the environmentalists I've met or heard speaking publicly suggest that this approach is rather rare. Usually I hear hysterical fear mongering combined with suggestions that would effectively end modern civilization for the majority of citizens. Apparently environmentalism and an understanding of basic math aren't particularly compatible.

Comment Re:Either fast breeder or thorium (Score 4, Interesting) 417

What if we just stop wasting resources?

Take transport: why does it take > 30 kW to move around one ~80kg bag of flesh&bones? Because it's too cheap. Why don't we insulate homes more? Because the alternative is too cheap. Ad nauseam.

Ok, so we slap a huge tax on it and now it's expensive. Result: Most people are now too poor to afford much of anything. Congratulations on massively increasing wealth disparity and lowering standards of living.

Yes, we should ensure that all energy production is forced to internalize its costs so that true economic decisions can be made, no that's not the same as cranking the prices so high no one does any of those things any more.

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