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Comment Re: Saudi Arab and the link to Islamic Terrorism (Score 1) 100

Have Catholic schools started training suicide bombers?

Nope, just IRA bombers. Now whether that's smarts or cowardice that's kept them from killing themselves (apart from those that did it accidently), it doesn't make them morally superior.

Nor for that matter the bible thumping protestant KKK killers and abortion clinic bombers.

Comment Re:Wiki-Enquirer? (Score 1) 100

How is this at all what Wikileaks is supposed to be for? At this point it seems more like crass voyeurism than any type of serious attempt to shine a light on corporate misconduct. Sure, Apple asking Sony for 4k content is interesting from a business perspective, but wrong-doing that needed to be exposed it is not.

Exactly - when did Wikileaks jump the shark?


WikiLeaks' Latest: An Even More Massive Trove of Sony Documents 100

Newsweek is one of many outlets to report that Wikileaks' latest dump is a trove of Sony's company emails and other documents that consists of even more individual pieces than the 200,000-plus leaked in April. Included, says the Newsweek story, are "276,394 Sony Corp. communications, including email, travel calendars, contact lists, expense reports and private files." One interesting tidbit revealed by the documents thus revealed, spotted by Apple Insider, is that "Apple requested [from Sony] 4K content for potential digital distribution and on-demand services testing nearly two years ago, suggesting the company has been exploring ultra high-definition streaming for some time."

Comment Re:Different middlemen, same story (Score 1) 172

If Amazon accomplished nothing else, Kindle has sold the idea of the e-book to the reading public.

Yeah, that whole "selling ebooks below cost to drive the competition out of business while selling proprietary ebook-readers for far more than everybody else" business tactic sure worked fine. And as an Apple hater you of course love getting it up the ass from Amazon.

Comment Re:Tell me... (Score 1) 172

Mod Parent Up.

This has to do with ebooks in a particular program where many authors were abusing the system.

This is a good thing.

No, it isn't. Even if there were no other ways to detect "lending abuse" by authors, that's no reason to spy on the reading habits of the readers.

If the fucking NSA were checking which pages of books you read, you'd be up in arms, but since its Amazon, it's okay.

Not to mention that the abusers will find a way to defeat that silly control scheme in no time anyway.

Comment Re:So What? Another Will Eat Their Lunch (Score 2) 19

Yep. Secunia just created an opportunity to make a bit of cash at their expense.

You mean someone will collect the data from all over the internet, then sell the collection (and provide automated alarms by email or text message) - just like Secunia does? Or will they provide it for free, add supported - and after a few weeks will close shop, because others copied their data, and did the same? So, not quite exactly what Secunia does?

Comment Re:This was always going to happen (Score 1) 288

This just proves that some people don't just want an iPhone... they want everybody around them to know that they have an iPhone.

No, it proves that apple wont allow anyone to use their brand or trademarks without adhering to their rules: one of which is "Thou shalt not cover our logo"

So if a phone case manufacturer wants to make a case that claims to be for the iphone6, then they have to play by apples rules. You'll probably notice its very difficult to sell phone cases if you're not allowed to say which phone they are for...


The Media

Pirate Party Founder Rick Falkvinge Launches News Service 66

New submitter lillgud writes: Rick Falkvinge, founder of the first Pirate Party, has unveiled a news service to compete against "oldmedia." The news stories will be three sentences in length, and distributed within shareable images. Falkvinge says this obviates certain parts of the industry — for example, there will be no need for clickbait headlines, because there's nothing to click on. The business model is based around advertising, but those ads will simply be a watermark on the image. Thus, no worries about adblock, and no concerns about ad networks collecting information from users. The service is targeted to be operational in Q3. Each writer will be paid in accordance to a revenue sharing model, and Falkvinge's goal is for each part-time writer to receive €125/month in exchange for four stories (12 sentences).

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