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Comment Re:Pope Francis - fuck your mother (Score 1) 894

If you poke a bear cub with a stick long enough, its mom might come and maul the shit out of you.

Yeah... you do know that bears are not people, right? We generally try to hold Muslims to higher standards than we do bears.

Or Pro-Lifers. Yes, all of them, because all Muslims raided Charlie Hebdo.

Comment Re:That's the 2nd sentence of the article (Score 1) 180

You might like the second sentence of the article:

things that were new to x86 were old hat to supercomputing, mainframe, and workstation folks.

Just curious, did you read one sentence of the article before commenting on it?

At least he didn't stop at "asked" and immediately fired off a diatribe against Ask Slashdot.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

The sea level rise is probably the best thing to talk about. From what I've seen of the data, we're looking at about 2 mm per year throughout most of the world right now. At that rate, we're looking at about 7 inches per 100 years. At that rate, it is hard to argue we have a problem.

Yeah it's really hard to argue with someone who ignores that the sea level rise is accelerating and pretends he can do linear extrapolation. An easy way to tell it's accelerating is that the actual rise is 3 mm / year, not your old value.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

Funny, this article is by a climate scientist.

Karmashock is just trying to misdirect by pointing fingers at unrelated political arguments to create FUD and guilt by association. All of which are decidedly political tactics.

"Advice"...? Not so much.

Well, his advice is to tell people you love guns. Maybe Mann should just threaten to shoot some deniers to change their minds?

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

Oops, forgot to add:

talk to someone that wins. Talk to Bill Clinton.

Bubba torpedoed Hillary's last campaign. He's not a winner anymore.


LOL are you really sure about that ?

I am pretty sure it keeps him the winner in his home, and about the last thing he wants is a president Hillary.

Why - that would be the best way to keep her off his back.

Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 1) 786

So are you saying U.S. soldiers did nothing wrong when they raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires to human genitals, cut off limbs, blew up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, and poisoned food stocks?

Or are you saying it's wrong, but we shouldn't talk about it?

Well, of course it's wrong to talk about it, it stops the people the soldiers doing those things to love the soldiers. How can we win the hearts and souls of people if they know the soldiers will cut them out to do the winning?

Comment Re:So, he is admitting that the attacks are true (Score 1) 786

Here ya go.


It is well known that John Kerry testified against the Vietnam war in a congressional hearing. This link is the second one found by google.

I'm not saying anything one way or the other but him speaking out against the war is a well known thing.

Well, John Kerry was also a soldier - so when you say him testifying against the Vietnam war means he "vilified soldiers and was anti-military", he was the equivalent of the "self-hating jew" as far as Vietnam goes.

Comment Re:The Serengeti Strategy (Score 1) 786

The vilification of Michael Mann and others like Phil Jones has come to be called the Serengeti strategy. In the Serengeti lions will try to separate one individual from the herd in order to make them easier to take down. Climate science deniers think that taking down one individual like Michael Mann will destroy the entire edifice of climate science but like in the Serengeti the herd still exists. The strategy won't work until they can take out the whole herd.

Their strategy is denying the heard exists. Case closed.

Comment Re:Ah, yes, the hockey stick (Score 1) 786

Not true. A meme that has been produced that M&M cherry-picked runs but nothing in the peer-reviewed literature.

Steve McIntyre has written extensively on this canard.

tl;dr It's simply untrue.

Well, if you don't use the statistical method Mann used "wrong", you still come up with the hockey stick, so the "right" way M&M used it can't have been right, now can it? And that's even when you deny the existence of peer-reviewed destructions of M&M's paper. But then you will deny the facts too, won't you.

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