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Comment Loose/Loose for all (Score 3, Insightful) 154

I used to work for the Big-O. Bottom-line is king there. That's why I had to quit. I understand the legalise of this situation. However, you have a bunch of folks out there still running Solaris w/o maintenance contracts. And if they don't update the OS with patches, they are vunerable to security hacks which hurts everyone in the long run. I wish Oracle would let folks update their software w/o contracts but that doesn't help the bottom-line and we all suffer for it....

Submission + - Apple considering larger iPhones (reuters.com)

bobthesungeek76036 writes: The first thing that came to my mind was "Duh!". I wondered how long it would take Apple to reconsider Steve Job's "perfect size" phone of 3.5". I guess the widely popular behemoths from Samsung has gotten Apple's attention...

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