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Comment Re:About right (Score 1) 246

> the US has the most fucked up justice system anywhere in the western world. Can't really argue with that: it does have the highest recidivism rate in the world. source: http://www.salve.edu/sites/def... 25% of the world's prison population while only having 5% of the world's population, and the worst track record for correcting criminals. It naturally follows that the US also spends a lot more money than any other nation on prisons (feel free to look that up, I didn't. But since states in the US spend almost four times as much on prisons as they do on schools, I'm confident in my deduction.), and it would behoove us to divert a good percentage of that money into properly implemented rehabilitation. It doesn't really matter what nation's efforts we emulate, as our ranking couldn't get any worse on that measure. But think about how much money we could save if just 10% of the people we send to prison currently were to never get sent back a second or third or eighth time, and they were able to become contributing members of society.

Comment pot, f#&* kettle (Score 3, Insightful) 155

How much are these agencies/countries now going to expect to be taken seriously when they find that China, Korea, Japan, Russia, or Lesotho have embedded some form of spyware in the electronics they sell us, and make an attempt to shame them for it or claim damages? They'll just roll along and do what they were doing before because they don't see any difference from how we treated them when we weren't at odds with them. The world has just been handed yet another example of how Brits and Americans can't be trusted, and actually deserve to be spied upon and stolen from. The fourth amendment shouldn't stop at our borders, since it is a limitation placed on government, not a perk that is only given to citizens. If you read it, it says "the rights of the people...." There's a similar concept in English Common Law: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F...

Comment Re:Where Is My D-Bag Boss? (Score 2) 102

KDC's lawyer probably advised him that getting involved in those cases would make him appear guilty, and despite not being factual, would still have an impact on jury deliberations. With all the data and assets of the company being seized by the US, would he even have the cash to afford defending the employees? Sure sounds like dirty prosecutorial tactics: deny the defendants access to their own income and property so they will have a hard time putting up a defense.

Comment 180 days (Score 2) 103

"The ECPA was written in 1986 and its provisions have been used by law enforcement to claim the right to access emails older than 180 days without a probable cause warrant." With that kind of logic, wouldn't they have the right to search, without a warrant, anything that you've owned for more than 180 days? Since when has there been an expiration date on the expectation of privacy?

Comment Re:Now using TOR after WH threats to invade homes (Score 1) 282

> So you would rather have a few incidents like what happened in France? How much planning did they need to do online for two brothers to walk into an office with a couple rifles? Just what online snooping could have prevented that? If they had been dumb enough to send messages online regarding their plans, it wouldn't look like "Terrorist Leader sends you Allah's greetings! You Terrorist Brothers are to meet Lefty at corner of Trois and Main at 1:30PM Wednesday for purchase of Terrorist Rifles. Then, on Thursday at 10:30AM take them to the Target Infidel Newspaper Office at 123 Napoleon Blvd and perform Terrorist Attack on the Infidels." so much as it would look like: "Meeting with Charlie at 10:30, Thursday. Don't be late, and bring snacks." No amount of online surveillance will make that look like something they need to take action on.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 851

The incubation period for the flu is two days - just not physically possible for you to get the flu from the vaccination in that period of time. I noted that you said sick and not "with the flu"... so you are most likely sensitive or allergic to something in that vaccination, and you just haven't found out what you're allergic to yet.

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