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Linux Business

Submission + - AMD to open ATI specs (

An anonymous reader writes: AMD has announced they are releasing the specs for all new radeon chipsets, and will be working with the open source community to develop a fully functional 2d and 3d graphics driver. AMD appears to be following in Intel's footsteps with upcoming releases. If AMD is successfull NVidia will have real competition in the GNU/Linux gaming arena. While past support by ATI was unsatisfactory the new AMD buyout appears to be having some effect.

Journal Journal: Microsoft's fast track bid for OOXML standarization rejected 1

Microsoft's push for fast-track approval of its OOXML document format as an ISO standard has failed, according to a news article from PC World. The proposal now must be reworked to address comments made during the voting process and will be up for another vote by ISO members early next year. Details on the voting outcome can also be found at Groklaw, and yo

Submission + - Microsoft Fails to Gain Approval for OOXML (

Andy Updegrove writes: "Microsoft's bid to gain approval for its OOXML specification in the first round of global voting has failed. I now have official confirmation of that fact, and expect to have final numbers soon. In the meantime, Microsoft has just issued a press release, putting the best spin it can on the results. That release is titled "Strong Global Support for Open XML as It Enters Final Phase of ISO Standards Process."The release focuses on the degree of participation (51 National Bodies), and level of "support" (74% of all qualified votes, without differentiating between P and O countries).It also refers to this level of support at "this preliminary stage of the process," and compares it "favorably" to the number of countries participating in the votes to consider ODF and PDF, but without mentioning percentage levels of support, which would include Observer as well as Participating member votes.The drama will now switch to the long run up to the February 25 — 29 Ballot Resolution Meeting, and to how much Microsoft will be willing to change in OOXML in order to convert a sufficient number of no votes to yeses, in order to finally gain approval, if it can, for its beleaguered specification."

Submission + - SIS allows Microsoft to affect OOXML votes! (

aim2future writes: "Microsoft has caused last minute changes to the SIS (Swedish Standards Institute) committee, voting about OOXML. Changing an expected NO to a YES.

"The word for today is "disenfranchisement" ... An attempt to fraudulently disenfranchise a voter is despicable wherever it occurs ... misrepresenting the rules and procedures in order to prevent another party from exercising their right to vote ... is universally deplored."... From Computerworld blogs
If you read swedish: here is an article about Microsoft's raid Microsoftkupp mot formatomröstning and here is a list of companies that Microsoft got into the committee last minute"


Submission + - Microsoft coup against iso standards body (

bytewize writes: "Today the iso standards body here in Sweden has accepted ooxml as a standard. It seems that a number of Microsoft partners joined the body just before the vote and managed to swing the vote in Microsoft's faviour. IBM walked out and refused to vote. If this is what we can expect in the future then the iso standards body might just as well pack up and close shop. Nobody should be able to buy acceptance of a standard. It should become a standard based entirely on its own merits."

Submission + - Microsoft buys the Swedish vote on OOXML (

CoolCat writes: From the site: "As bad as it sound it currently looks like that the vote that took place at the SIS, Swedish Standards Institute, was a total joke due to the facts that 23 new companies applied to take part of today's voting and most of them in favour of Microsoft agenda. One would think that SIS would not accept new companies to participate in the vote since they haven't been part of the earlier discussions and meetings. But according to SIS they didn't see any problem that new companies wanted to take part in this vote without prior notice. So what happened here is that Microsoft gather together a bunch of loyal partners that would vote yes to their standard without any questions."

Submission + - Microsoft buys the Swedish vote on OOXML (

Valpis writes: When SIS (Swedish Standards Institute ) should vote yes or no to OOXML as a standard the result became yes. The group consisted earlier of 11 companies and the result was supposed to be no. But the last couple of days several companies recieved letters from Microsoft urging them to join SIS (cost only $2000) and vote yes so in the last days 25 more companies joined, most of the microsoft partners,some even the same day as the voting took place. The list of the companies can be found on (in swedish).

Submission + - How MS bought an ISO & got Sweden to say YES! 1

Landreth writes: "According to OS2 World.Com Microsoft Sweden bought the Swedish vote by rounding up Microsoft Gold Partners for the final vote regarding OOXML and by that change what should been a clear NO to a clear YES. To quote from the article:

"To be able to vote all you need is to pay the membership fee to SIS and the total cost for this was 17.000 SEK (2444 USD). Of the 23 new companies that showed up this last minute and where the majority hasn't shown any earlier interest, only Google has a clear agenda regarding OOXML and they are against it."

"Jonas Bosson who participated in today's meeting on behalf on FFII said that he left the meeting in protest and so did also IBM's Swedish local representative Johan Westman."

The article can be found at OS2 World.Com."

Submission + - Enable compiz-fusion in Ubuntu Feisty (

kevmaster writes: "Linux desktop effects have come a long way. Over time we've seen different implementations like compiz & beryl. These 2 projects have lead a life of their own but have now been merged back together again in a new project called: compiz-fusion. Compiz-fusion has got some awesome eye candy effects, but it's still a little bit tricky to get it to work though. There are some other howtos online but those didn't cut it for me, so eventually after getting it to work, I wrote one myself."

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