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Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

I never said it wasn't inflammatory. It was. I don't disagree with the moderators.

Great, so the attacks to his comments were perfectly justified.

What is a founded opinion? One where one uses something, like say Microsoft adding subscription options to Office, to found an opinion, such as they might add subscription options to Windows?

He didn't quote that. He just blurred some random anti MS BS.

I had not seen these internal strategy memo links. Would you care to provide a citation?

I'll be happy to provide. A simple search on Windows 10 Free strategy found these two links. Was it that hard to be informed before putting BS online like all the trolls of this world?

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

You read and assume an awful lot that neither me nor Zymergy has actually said.

Please, go read his comments once more: "Sounds like another great reason to move over to OSX (or any flavor of Linux)...". I don't see anything suggesting HE would change but rather is speaking for everybody.

At the end of the day the /. users voted his comment inflammatory because it wasn't a founded opinion.

You are correct, I do not know why Microsoft is offering Windows 10 for free. I am not privy to their strategy meetings

The information is out there. There's another user that linked it in the thread for people to get informed before making an unfounded statement.

Please don't put words in *my* mouth either.

But you did through suggestion. Your comments:
"I can see, though, how one would feel that they are going towards subscription models for their products. They've taken the first step to do so with Office by offering subscriptions in addition to boxed copies"

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

Yes, I left things unsaid and I meant not Troll or Flame in my comments

By suggesting people move away from MS for no reason specified is trolling. Its like saying: Why did you buy a FORD?, It's crap...

MS will head into OS subscriptions (considering their tract record of late with office).

Your comment was ill informed and this is proof. Do you even know why MS is offering the OS for free? If you know anything about what is happening in the world of operating systems you would understand that they are following the footsteps of Google since they don't have a choice to regain a portion of the mobile market. So unless Google disappears, MS won't charge a dime for their OS and even so I doubt they ever will once they monetize the OS through the app store like IOS and Google did.

I am expressing my opinion and predicting Microsoft will eventually be making this a subscription OS model eventually for more $$$

An ill informed opinion is garbage to anybody reading it and often results in being marked troll. There are a lot of a educated and well informed /. users here and they provide a very valuable opinion and in many cases factual information that will force many of us to change our opinion on a topic. When you post something that is based on your gut feeling you aren't doing anybody a favor especially when you speak of it from an unbiased position.

And people have to stop suggesting subscription services are garbage. They are only garbage if they aren't value add or are overpriced. Most large software packages are now subscription based as they allow for continued R&D while providing free fast support. I'm not suggesting that all software packages are worthy of subscription but many are if priced properly.

I hope you don't take this personal. None of my comments were attacks on you.

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

The end of his comment was inflammatory, as simple as that. In addition he wasn't speaking an opinion, he's instead telling people it's time to move on which is completely absurd to do without a proper reason.

The fact that you think Windows 10 being free is the same as Office being on subscription is telling me you haven't understood why MS is offering Windows 10 for free. It's no secret, they are directly competing with Google for it's share of the mobile market and since they want to unify the OS they can't start having it free for some while not free for others (that's coming right from them by the way).

Subscription models are a way for companies to keep money flowing in for continued R&D. Do I agree with it? Yes and No. There's PROs and CONs to both. It's the same thing as getting a heating furnace on rental. Why not buy it right? What is cheaper? The answer to both those is "IT DEPENDS".

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

I think there's more chance they will move towards the same model as Windows 10 for home users since there are other options and it would force many users to consider the free options.

Companies that are heavily invested in Office integration would probably continue regardless of what model is in use but it would push away companies that aren't. Unless MS can offer more within it's office suite they can get away with a subscription model as long as it's value add and is extremely affordable.

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

Ya Microsoft is trying to improve its bottom line

All business people want that. It's normal.

Fully skinable windows UI

Important to teens and young adults but not important to most of the buyers. Windows Mobile is already skinable enough in my opinion.

Forced driver useability compliance

So you want to remove developer and manufacturer freedom? For the most part the app stores do a good job at rating the non-sense but I understand that doesn't apply to drivers.

System performance analyzer

Many of the tool requirements you listed are already present in Windows 7 and highly improved in later versions. There are some things that are just not easy to present on a GUI for end users to understand so why bother. Most people don't even use the existing system tools (other than IT)

The biggest problem I have with windows is it's lac of control

This is an OS for the masses. You have full control if you knew the OS well enough.

Locked directory writes

I can do everything you said you required except the part where the AV would restart. That's something that can be easily done by the 3rd party or as a stand alone loader but avoiding closure of said software would be the #1 solution

Allowed device list

There is 3rd party software that does this.


I'm confused about this one as Windows already have this. The one thing that I find is missing is "LIST". You should have the ability to hide a folder/file at the permission level, not using the hidden flag. This is especially useful for company directories where all users see all department folders but don't have access to all of them. Maybe its possible but I have yet to find out how.

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

You're talking out of your ass and it really stinks dude!

When Win10 uptake increases, when market conditions change in a few quarters' time, there's no guarantee that Microsoft won't ask you to cough up some money for getting the next major point release update

Considering MS owns most of the PC market I doubt there worried about that market.

As for the mobile market they are just doing the same as Google. Should Google disappear they will still keep the same model since it keep competitors at bay

They are just copying Google's pricing model because you can't compete with Google otherwise. So stop reading too far into this as you clearly don't understand what is going on at the business level.

Comment Re:Microsoft abuse example: Bad & good version (Score 1) 189

For example, people who "upgrade" from Windows 7 to Windows 10 will lose Windows Media Center without being told in advance, apparently.

Apparently? I guess we should all take your opinion as a valid argument then?

Fact is that Windows Media Center is barely used. There are plenty of much better alternatives which is why they are getting rid of it. I guess we will find out at launch if they warn customers about the loss of features that nobody cares about.

Windows 98, good. Windows ME, bad, Windows XP good, Windows Vista, bad. Windows 7, good, Windows 8, bad. See the pattern?

First, the failures between Windows 98, ME and 8 are all very different.

Windows ME was a huge failure. Updates helped it but it was never a good OS
Windows Vista was horrible at launch but was quickly fixed with a number of updates.
Windows 8, 8.1 was very stable and brought much needed H/W support updates but had an interface nobody liked

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 1) 189

If Microsoft loses the revenue from selling the licenses on the update cycle, they're going to have to monetize something. If that isn't the updates, it will be something else.

And who's fault will that be? The answer is the consumer.

Google has set the playing field a while back by providing free everything as long as you accept the advertising. It's competitors now have to adjust otherwise they will endure a grim faith.

Comment Re:"as a Service" = you have to buy it Every Year? (Score 4, Informative) 189

and they're a huge multinational who doesn't give crap what their consumers want

Wrong. MS has always done things with customers in mind. You would know this if you worked with them at any partner level. It's for the same reason their OS and Office suites carry so much baggage and often makes them look bad. It's because they believe in keeping legacy software compatible with future generations of OS and they generally do a good job at that.

Look at Windows XP. They extended their support twice. They didn't have to but they did.

I often see you flame MS so I'm not surprised by your appearance in on this subject. It's almost as if MS threatens you in some way shape or form. No offense intended.

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