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Comment Re:On behalf of all network specialists, (Score 1) 197

Do they actually have an IP address? I didn't think they did. I though they were using a separate network model to pass data from cell towers to devices. I was under the impression that the device number (sim card) was used for communicating data to a specific device. which is also the reason why copying a sim card gets all the data that user is receiving if in the same zone.

Clarification required. :)

Comment Re:War of government against people? (Score 1) 875


Protecting yourself from the state renders the issue of locked guns a non issue as if you decide to bare arms against your government you will have ample time to do so. In the case of a break in, getting to your gun Is more important and having a hand gun in the dresser is probably the best option but it should not be left there for just anybody to pickup either...

Facts are facts and although crime is declining in the US, the US still has one of the higher crime rates of comparable countries. I'm not saying guns. See this chart. I found this to be very interesting. http://www.visionofhumanity.or...

Comment Re:$5k (Score 1) 875

At 3-6 miles per gallon it's a pretty big factor if you figure the average crown vic did 14-16 miles per gallons and that was only costing 15 000 per year. That means the military vehicle will only cost $69 000 per year assuming same mileage. What a saving!!!

Comment Re:War of government against people? (Score 2) 875

The CDC has a recent report (which was requested by Obama) showing the increased gun ownership deters gun violence but don't be fooled by the report they say. The standard of living and the increased level of education of the general population has a much bigger impact on general violence than gun ownership. It was actually said that more people could afford guns because their standard of living had increased.

It seems every gun owner out there needs to justify their ownership of a gun. Stop trying to justify it and use it properly. This means lock it so it cannot be miss used by a person with bad intentions. I think that's simple enough and allows everybody to continue enjoying guns for hunting, self defense or for target practice.

Comment And what did this really change for all of us? (Score 1) 346

I have a question for all you software developers, IT staffing and security experts. Has Snowden action changed anything in your work road maps or personal lives?

I can tell you that Snowden revealing all these secrets has changed nothing in my work or personal life and I can tell you that it is the case for most people. When I mention Snowden and what he did, most people are completely unaware of him and his actions. Why? I can only speculate that they can't be bothered to change their day to day or they just don't care that NSA knows everything about everything.

Please do not take this as a sign of disrespect towards Snowden as I believe the man is a modern day hero but I feel very little will change even after his huge sacrifice.

Comment Re:Use firefox banner (Score 1) 364

Big difference. They aren't saying the other browsers suck. They are just saying this is what they recommend.

And the sites that block you forcing you on a specific browser is because they require the browser to be compatible. IE has many MS specific features that Chrome didn't implement for security/stability reasons. Otherwise I haven't seen any web site block my browsers. I use all 3 so maybe I'm extremely lucky or maybe it's because I don't browse www.ilovegannys.com

Comment Re:solutiuon to non net neutrality.. (Score 2) 364

All that said, I've rarely seen an instance of actual QoS throttling. Craptastic routes, yes. Overloaded peering, many times

BS! Whether QoS or just plain protocol based throttling, everyday at exactly 11:30pm my upload speed on my torrents goes from 20Kb/s to 70Kb/s. That's not a coincidence.

Comment Re:I have both (Score 1) 364

Exactly. On top of that in the contract they do not guarantee the full speed. Even with a business level FTTN advertised at 28 down and 15 up. The guaranteed amount as per the contract was 12 and 6.

The fact is that he infrastructure in many places isn't capable of sustaining the needs of all house holds using Netflix. This was a non issue at first but as more subscribers realize they can get advertisement free entertainment for 1/10 the cost of satellite and cable, the demand for Netflix has significantly increased.

Comment Re:The Real Story Should Be... (Score 1) 286

After reading this 3 times I still don't understand where you were going with this. At one point your talking about jurisdiction and then your talking about fire trucks smashing into vehicles.

Simply put, EVERYWHERE in north America you a not allowed to park by a fire hydrant the same way you can't park on a sidewalk.

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