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Comment Re:Begun they have... (Score 3, Funny) 234

well from the comments your CURRENT userbase has the following feelings

What do We want??
"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some redesigns come with too high a price. I want to look up into your lifeless eyes and wave like this.
Can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Soulskill? "

what this site will look like in 3 years is a 404 (userbase not found).

Why not update things to have proper Unicode support?? (maybe whitelist known sections??)
Allow the turning OFF of the pics??
Have a setting to SHOW ALL COMMENTS??
Have at most 4 levels of indent (and indent only like a half tab)??

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 1) 463

Do you have any idea what THERMITE is?? once it is in runaway you would have to somehow freeze it to arrest the reaction and i think you would have to use Liquid Helium to get cold enough.

Now if you wanna talk Military grade stuff good luck putting that out. ( i will be watching you from a couple nethops away)

Comment Re:On Education (Score 1) 161

the point of working it as "bands" is to give time to work around issues where a given kid is a lot better at some subjects than others (s|he can help with the slower kids in the good subjects and be helped as a slower kid in the not so good subjects).

as far as the The Holy 200 Point Checklist goes that does not matter (unless you are part of the school board/ Government Official Board writing said checklist).

the point of the bands is to give a teacher 3 years to get a kid up to snuff.

Comment Re:Laws (Score 1) 298

the fix for this is if a Corporation gets its charter revoked then ALL assets of the company get sold to the highest bidder then

1 the funds are to be used to provide income to any employees that lost jobs until they have been reemployed
2 the state keeps the balance
3 the CxOs are barred from employment in that field or any similar field for the next 7 years.

Comment On Education (Score 3, Funny) 161

The biggest problem with the Public Education system is


Start with having Standard Reference E-Books on Everything on a EduCORE server network. When a kid starts school issue the kid an EduSlate (something good enough to work but cheap enough to not be a target for theft). As the kid grows up unlock more and more info (redact less and less). For the things where there are recognized Alternate ViewPoints have the Alternate availible if asked for.

as far as how the teaching should go

1 In preschool teach exactly 3 things 1 YOU CAN LEARN 2 HOW TO LEARN 3 The rock basics of learning (numbers letters colors ect)

2 when they hit K5 1 separate the boys from the girls (outside of Dance Class and Recess) 2 teach every kid physically able to how to dance (ballet/gymnastics type)

3 group things into K5-3 4-6 7-9 and 10-12 worry about graduating a kid when s|he can jump bands (btw put the Ladies and Gentlemen together in class during the upper 2 bands)

4 use the older/smarter kids in each band to help the other kids

5 end of the second band and during the third band start sorting kids for where they will be going after graduation (use a "Nut Filter" also)

6 create Sanctuaries for kids to go when they can handle "home life"


Challenge for Apple: Create an ISlate and i will front you your Kinder Garden

Comment Re:Fruit of the poison tree (Score 1) 266

and any defense lawyer worth their suit should be able to ring "Objection Hearsay/ Assumes Facts not in Evidence "

if the DashCam was out of order 1 why was that rig certified for use?? 2 where is the repair record (with techs sig)

(and why is it always stated as Dash CAM and not Dash CAMS heck there should be a LEO version of GoogleGlass with red and blue blinky lights and the video dumped to a Google DotGov server farm)

Comment Re:Fruit of the poison tree (Score 1) 266

even better
Anybody on the State side should be found guilty of the crimes being charged if they can be found guilty of misconduct. Also the minimum sentence in this case should be not less that 75% of the MAXIMUM of the combined sentences.
this is a great idea for many reasons

1 Prosecutions would be careful of what they charge a suspect with (stops spaghetti charging)
2 it scales well
3 it keeps things inside The Blue Wall honest
4 This could result in some of the skankier folks having their CAREER END
5 Its an easy end to folks getting pulled for Driving While %Race%
6 it could open a gateway for Criminal Charges for some of the shadier types of misconduct
7 Defense lawyers would LOVE THIS

Personally i would like to see a misconduct case result in

1 The case dismissed due to "It is now Impossible to Properly Try this case due to the evidence being tainted"
2 The persons involved with the tainting be arrested and a Public Notice posted on same (Police Blotter anyone??)
3 a Notice that the person was cleared of the charges posted in the same place any arrest posting was.

Comment Re:How compatible is it? (Score 1) 192

Okay if you wanna pull that trick then Microsoft Office fails also the list (not exhaustive) of things that can futz with getting a MSO file to work correctly

1 Different Fonts on the system
2 any difference in the default(or current) printer
3 version patch level and hotfix presence for MSO
4 Language version of MSO
5 Phase of Moon at both sites
6 presence of any addons (includes version numbers)
7 Applied Hotfixes/ Updates to Windows

in fact some folks have found that opening some MSO files works better in OO or LO

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