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Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

A lot of implicit appeals to herd movements here ...

1) "a general expectation that ..." 2) "there definitely wouldn't be the same call for ..."

To me the general population is very unhappy, and has become very unhappy since the days the US gained independence. There's a lot of anecdotal indicators, but the strongest one is that the suicides rates (either attempted or succeeded) have climbed steadily since then. Divorce has gone up. School shootings have gone up, etc.

Also, you should have enough confidence in your own opinion to have to varnish it with the opinion of other people.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

"or admit that you're okay with America not being a place where all people who work can afford food, shelter and health care (i.e., perhaps not The Greatest Country On Earth (tm))."

A small percentage of people in the US are paid minimum wage. In that group, very few keep that wage for longer than a year before they get a raise (or look elsewhere or get promoted, etc).

To me, the greatest country in the world is one where people have the opportunity to eventually get to a job that pays enough to provide for themselves and their families. Student workers don't have all the responsibilities/goals you mentioned, but they shouldn't be excluded from positions that provide what they want.

Comment Re:That worked for Clinton, only non-suck presiden (Score 2) 382

You are right about Clinton doing nothing. Osama bin Laden noticed this during Al Qaida's Yemen campaign and observed the Americans are "paper tigers".

2 years after leaving office ... Sept 11 happens.

Thank you, president Clinton.

... I'll give you that he was a whole lot better than Obama.

Comment huh ?? (Score 1) 509

Industry can't get their hands on enough developers right now and we're worried about those jobs going away?

Seriously, google, Microsoft, etc. are lobbying the federal government to lure SW people from other places so we can fill the void here.

I have a friend who became a lawyer couldn't find any work. He's a SW manager now because that is where the demand is. A really old guy told me at lunch today he his phone is ringing off the hook for SW work and that if I wasn't raking in money right now I was doing something wrong.

Construction doesn't seem like a good thing to into when you get older, but it's not my field so I wouldn't know.

Comment Re:Cry Me A River (Score 1) 608

I probably sound like a M$ sellout (may be a fair assessment), but this hasn't been my experience.

I used to do Linux C++ (some kernel, driver stuff, also released an open source Qt game) for 7 years. When I tried moving to another city, I discovered the demand for these skills was thin and paid 20% less than propped up military-subsidized salary I was making.

While I was interviewing for C++ jobs I worked aggressively on my C#/.NET skills and have discovered they pay FAR more than the Linux side of things. It's not hard to land $90-110k in a rural state on .NET after 3-4 years.

I'm not trying to persuade you that one tech stack is better than the other. I'm trying to spare you from some pain I faced back in the day.

Comment they think they know better (Score 1) 109

These are the experts. They have their journalism degrees. They are news professionals. They know what we should be reading.

We don't understand this because we are too stupid. We are hicks. We don't have the same respect they do for polishing and smoke being blown in our faces. We don't understand how the 4th estate should be running the world.

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