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Comment The gov and google helpers (Score 0) 100

Government and google work together to help people not be so confused by all the stuff that hasn't been vetted by them or that they might disagree with.

Right now google is helping censor political speech in China so all these wonderful leaders who might not be able to stand on their own or persuade anyone of anything can continue helping. China is also helping make sure people know what religion should be like by only allowing state approved churches and temples and that those places put their political goals over their message and deities. Isn't that so helpful?

Google's censorship of China is helpful just like the way they censor conservatives. People might trust google a little less or make frowny faces at them, or whatever, but that is okay. The US government has learned a lot about censorship over the last administration. Probably Google wants to learn more about how to make rules against being int the tea party and furthering their political goals (which users who are searching the web probably want anyway. I mean, why would you want to search the internet unless you wanted to help Democrats? It's like the same thing, right?).

So I see this as more of the same thing. Everyone is helping everyone else learn how to take censorship into new, public/private domains and learning about how much they can get away with it and how to disguise things. Let's make sure these helpers get all the credit they deserve!

Comment Re:Missing the Bigger Point (Score 0) 178

>> the USA has even bigger body count doing evil than China ... systematic oppression and genocide

Huh? You are going so far out on a line here I don't even understand what you are saying. Which ethnicity is the US wiping out?

Should the US have just let Al Qaeda continue knocking out buildings? What are you even suggesting?

What is the systematic oppression? This looks like a tough sell.

Comment alternate theory (Score 0) 92

C# and Powershell originated in the Microsoft push to Enterprise/Government customers.

If malicious attacks involve C#/PS more frequently ... there's a chance this could be reflecting that malicious code is being written by salaried employees, under a florescent light, in Cincinatti (or someplace like that) by departments of large organizations far removed from any awareness of any adverse affects they are making.

Comment Re:just strip them of legal protections (Score 0) 302

Huh? If I pick up the phone and call my friend and play some music over the phone ... should Sprint get sued for copyright infringement?

So all Sprint has to do is invent some algorithm that identifies and intercepts all that?

And that's going to add how much to my bill? And slow things down how much?

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