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Comment Re:Is the high demand? (Score 3, Insightful) 219

The demand for pirated content increases as new streaming services are released, competing with Netflix.
When you have to pay 10-15$/month for 7+ difference services, piracy numbers skyrocket.

There is plenty of empirical data published that back this assertion. Netflix was, at a time, one of the greatest piracy deterrents. But as companies got greedy and everyone started having their own streaming service, the piracy numbers started to go up again.

Comment Re:Not aimed at vegans/vegetarians (Score 1) 132

I wouldn't dare speak for ALL vegans and vegetarians, but most of ones I know have no problems with this, think it is a great idea and would try it if available around here.

Why would vegans be against something that is marketed as being indistinguishable from beef? It check all the boxes, including the ethical ones.

Comment Re:Spice mining .... (Score 2, Insightful) 293

Being an Amazon worker is beginning to sound like being a slave worker in the imperial spice mines of Kessel.

Except that you can quit anytime you want, and go work somewhere else instead. Which makes it nothing at all like slavery.

Must be nice where you live. No unemployment, unlimited options for people to pick whatever job they want. People don't need to work for low wages, they do it only because they want to, in the place you live.

Must be really nice.

Comment How thing (supposedly) work in Brazil (Score 3, Interesting) 99

(IAAL. This is how thing work on paper, how they are supposed to work according to the law. In practice, ymmv)

In Brazil, copyright infringement is a crime. Actually, a set of crimes. The smaller one being a simple copyright violation, which carries a penalty of 3 month up to 1 year jail, or a fine. The bigger one carrying a penalty of 2 to 4 years jail.

Once the part if found guilty, the holder of the copyright can sue him in civil court of ACTUAL damages. And although the existence of the damage is already establish in the criminal court, the extent still have to be proven on civil court. And that damage is limited to restitution. There are no punitive damages, since there is already a criminal conviction. Also, in the Brazilian legal system there is a rule that forbids enrichment without a cause. That also helps limit the extent of the civil indemnity.

This limitation on "enrichment without a cause" is quite interesting, actually. It means that punitive damages must never be a source of money for the autor of the suit. In a cause like the famous McDonald's "hot coffee", those $3mil punitive damages would not go do the consumer that got burned. Instead, it would go to a non-profit of some kind, probably one that fights for consumer rights. The consumer herself would only get actual damages (material and moral damages), probably in the order of $50 grand.

This all is to stop "get rich" lawsuits.

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