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Comment Re:Depends on your society's norms (Score 1) 1199

Starving is also bad for you so lets make it illegal to be poor. Why can we lock people up for drugs because it's "bad" for people but the government does nothing about poverty and all the people living on the streets? It's because they don't give a shit about people they just need more reasons to lock people up.

Comment Re:Make it illegal (Score 1) 1199

Fuck Atlas Shrugged. Why are you using that pile of toilet paper as an example of anything?

An employer can hire or fire you for any reason he wants, or no reason at all.

100% wrong.

And not only that, why does it sound like you support the backwards and fucked up state of employment law? You're apologizing for this bullshit? Businesses are a creation of the law. They need to serve society or go away.

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