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Comment Die Like a Man (Score 1) 71

Puff piece for Skype and lousy summary with no analysis whatsover of very well known translation problems.

Meantime to lighten things up:
Translator joke:
A Mexican bandit robbed a bank. The sheriff and his bilingual deputy captured him, and the sheriff, who couldn't speak Spanish, asked him where he'd hidden the money. "No se nada," said the bandit.
The sheriff put a gun to the bandit's head and said to his deputy: "Tell him, if he doesn't tell us where the money is, I'll blow his brains out."
Upon receiving the translation, the bandit became very animated. "Ya me acuerdo! Tienen que caminar tres cuadradas hasta ese gran arbol. Debajo del arbol, alli esta el dinero."
The sheriff leaned forward. "Yeah? Well..?"
The deputy replied: "He says he wants to die like a man."

Comment WHOIS and textual analysis (Score 1) 388

Ah, so that's why my WHOIS searches don't work any more. Seriously though, what's the best WHOIS website?

I once prepared to give court evidence where police had framed a student of mine who was on remand in a jail I was teaching in. The case was simple because the police had "verballed" the guy in perfect English with the exception that "-ed" endings were left off verbs where they needed to be (LOL). The police dropped their case.

My guess is that the SONY hack 9/11 type threat is written by someone who has strong command of English but is pretending they don't. In particular it would be interesting to see if grammatical errors conform to those a Korean might make. Here it is:

"We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places “The Interview” be shown, including the premiere, how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to.
Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made.
The world will be full of fear.
Remember the 11th of September 2001.
We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time.
(If your house is nearby, you’d better leave.)
Whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
All the world will denounce the SONY.

More to come"

Comment Crime in USA (Score 0, Flamebait) 218

This worries me enormously. One more step towards 1984. If anyone has not read 1984 I don't think you can really know what you are talking about.

The "crime" problem in the USA stems from the way your society is organised: no democracy (no Proportional Representation), brainless gun culture, moronic belief in the American Dream, crazy oil-based foreign policy, greed is good mentality, enormous and growing gap between rich and poor, and a complete and utter collective ignorance of alternative possibilities. The collective ignorance coupled with overweening nationalism and a conviction that your empire is the best and only way of doing things is scary.

Trying to tackle crime in this context is big time 'ambulance at the bottom of the cliff' stuff.

But while you get yourselves sorted, why not learn from others around the world about how to tackle "crime". Check out the nordics. Get yourself educated about criminology - there's some great science on it in John Pratt, Contrasts in Punishment: An Explanation of Anglophone Excess and Nordic Exceptionalism (Routledge, ISBN: 9780415524735)

And here's a starter pack:

Germany’s Prison Act states “the sole aim of incarceration is to enable prisoners to lead a life of social responsibility free of crime upon release.”

6 reasons why European prisons better than US =

Comment Old news but relevant (Score 1) 138

On July 2, 2012 UK-based GlaxoSmithKine (GSK) agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges of fraudulent promotion of its drugs and pay the US Government a settlement of US$3 billion. If accepted, this will be the largest fine imposed on a drug company, surpassing the $23 billion paid by Pfizer for inappropriate marketing in 2009. The amount adds to GSK's $750 million settlement in 2010 over manufacturing quality. What is particularly egregious about GSK's fraud is the calculated deceit and potential human cost of its aggressive and misleading marketing. For instance, while evidence was emerging that showed an increased suicide risk in adolescents prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs for depression, GSK was actively encouraging off-label prescription of paroxetine to individuals younger than 18 years. This was not an isolated incident; off-label use was also encouraged for bupropion. For rosiglitazone, safety data were withheld from the US Food and Drug Administration and altered, potentially delaying restrictions on the drug's use and putting people to whom it was prescribed at increased risk of cardiovascular complications. The company is also accused of cheating Medicare. Such behaviour is not only illegal, it is immoral.

Comment Fainting, conscious experience and consciousness (Score 1) 284

Having seen someone faint at the sight of blood (the lights went out instantaneously and they hit the floor like a sack of potatoes) this woman's experience doesn't quite match what I saw. The woman seemed still to have muscle tone to remain sitting upright. So this suspension of some sort of executive control/awareness/conscious experience needs a different name.

The NewScientist article said "To confirm that they were affecting the woman's consciousness rather than just her ability to speak or move, the team asked her to repeat the word "house" or snap her fingers before the stimulation began. If the stimulation was disrupting a brain region responsible for movement or language she would have stopped moving or talking almost immediately. Instead, she gradually spoke more quietly or moved less and less until she drifted into unconsciousness."

So, she wasn't having conscious experience but wasn't unsconscious. The NS article also talked about being awake but unconscious, which doesn't fit the sack of potatoes unconsciousness.

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