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Comment Tons of things do it. (Score 1) 326

Iphoto, picassa, lightroom, aperture.

Besides finding bits of useful metadata in exif, filename, date, and content, the biggest issue will be able to wade through the data quickly and in human time.

Lightroom is available for Beta. If you have the images, try it with say Picasso. This should give you a good enough feeling as to whether you should pay for it.

But products like lightroom and aperture are exactly designed for your problem.

Comment High Empathy, Low Sympathy... (Score 1) 659

I have always had these traits, and while I feel your pain, I don't comfort that much. I can explain it, I can tell whats going to happen next, and I can feel your motivations, I just don't provide the shoulder.

This has worked really well for all sorts of things, but I have never thought that high empathy wasn't self-centered. Just because I can sense what you are feeling, doesn't mean I give a damn.

Comment Both... (Score 1) 520

Seriously. The coders need to be in offices, with doors that are mostly open, and central spaces to talk and mingle, and tons of white boards.

There will be time to talk, time to think, time to type, time to test, time to recover. There is no one best at all times, but you need to provide best at all times. If you skimp, then you cost yourself maximum productivity.

We did this best by having a ring of offices surrounding test and support, with a large conference room.

Having test and support nearby developers helped a lot. Test and support didn't tend to need as much "quiet and focus" as developers, but having close access to test and support, meant that there feedback, and listening to development helped get the product out better faster.

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