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Comment What methods "see if you have a single reference" (Score 1) 337

the ability to see if you have a single reference (a feature of reference counting) is a feature needed to optimize string and collection types

What is that? Are you referring to weak variables where the reference goes to nil when the underlying object does? Garbage Collection systems have such references also (Java for one).

Comment Re:Knowledge (Score 1) 312

In none of the cases you listed were your own personal resources put forth, it was either transactions or freely given information (which as I stated earlier, knowledge transfer I feel is free speech and not aid).

Using your own gas and wear and tear on a car is quite clearly aid, just as donating even a single dollar to ISIS knowingly would be. The punishment may seem disproportionate and that could be argued, but not the fact they gave aid...

Comment Swift is (shortly) everywhere, including Linux (Score 3, Informative) 337

In the keynote they announced Swift being open source later this year, including releasing versions for Linux...

Having done over a decade of backend work in the past, I think it would make a pretty good server language also. It's all about the libraries and frameworks that support what you are trying to do.

Comment It's there (Score 1) 337

Swift was mentioned on CNN here

It was also mentioned on BBC here...

I've seen mentions of it all over, on a lot of non-tech web-sites. That has been kind of amazing.

Coding is starting to matter more, especially as black hats affect more and more people - so people are starting to care about it more generally, even if they don't really understand details yet.

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