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Comment Does Android track AirTags then? (Score 1) 29

Didn't see this mentioned in the summary, when support for this launches does this mean Android will also warn you if an AirTag is tracking you? Which would mean it helps with the recognition network being larger for both tracking devices.

Or has Android already supported detecting AirTags tracking?

Comment Don't do it (Score 5, Insightful) 151

There is a famous investment quote that goes "the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent".

If you join in the pack shorting something like this, you open yourself up to the possibility some kind of irrational buying flood comes in and wipes you out.

Remember that these days very few stocks are actually priced according to value, so it doesn't seem like a Trump based stock would be any exception.

Comment Re:Return theft, or scamming sellers? (Score 1) 107

I bought an AirPods Pro, received a *case* instead.

Returned by Amazon denied my return since I didn't send back what I had ordered.

Tried to reverse the charge on my Amazon credit card, Amazon denied it and refused to reverse the charge.

So I was just out of luck on that one. However since then I buy pretty much anywhere but Amazon if at all possible, even if I pay more. And I cancelled Prime. In the end I guess it was a cheap way to learn the lesson you cannot trust Amazon in any way.

Comment Not Detectable (Score 2) 57

It'd be like a FOREX trader moving ~$2.25B USD.
Unsure if the impact on FOREX would be as pronounced as it was on BTC, but I bet it'd be something

Only 3 billion USD? Not even a quiver of movement.

Total M2 money supply - 20,783 billion

National debt? Rising at 1 trillion every 100 days, or 100 billion per day.

With so many dollars sloshing around you'd have to go into serious numbers to even have it be felt.

Comment Re:Apple boasts. (Score 2) 40

No, no. Nothing needs to be sent back to the servers. That doesn't mean it won't be.

It does if Apple says it does, because they actually have a track record of stuff not going back to servers if you don't want it to.

If they say they aren't collecting your data? They're lying.

Maybe you are incapable of running a traffic proxy to verify but many are not. Apple does keep their word on this.

Comment Staying away until Apple perfects (Score 1) 155

Even Apple couldn't make the Smart Home concept "just work", which told me all I needed to know about the reliability of other similar systems.

So I've stayed away (except for a few security cams) until I can see a solidly working concept in action, that stays working... holding out hope for Matter in this regard.

Comment Not exactly a boss.... (Score 1) 44

So now AI thinks up the ideas and writes the specs, and real people do all the work to make this crap work.

It's more like AI opens a door that you can take advantage of people going through.

Sort of more like a force of nature than a boss.

Or if you like, it is recognizing a shortcoming by pretending something does not exist when plainly it would be useful, and someone opts to fill that hole for the benefit of mankind. Although in truth that scenario feels a bit like AI is a boss. :-)

Comment Tip, this is like most other Antarctic trips... (Score 2) 51

As cool as this sounds, and I would love to go, I have to say that unless you are SUPER into being on board with Shatner and the astronaut you could get this same quality trip much cheaper.

Any trip that goes on land (not all do, anything I think over 200 people just sails around looking) will include some visit to a penguin rookery. They are super cool and also extremely smelly.

Most trips that have landings also include some historical sites, or research centers. and lectures.

I didn't go on a trip with a submarine but someone I know did, and there is really not much to see down in Antarctic waters, it's pretty murky stuff (which is also why there are so many whales of all kinds and seals and things, rich with nutrients). So I'm not sure it's worth paying for this extra, as opposed to something like camping out on land or being able to ocean kayak.

But I think the people who do spring for this will have an amazing time even if the price is steeper than I'm willing to pay! I would never look down on someone willing to trade money for an amazing and unique experience, and this is definitely that.

Comment Re:They were not warning about horse paste (Score -1, Troll) 350

there's a reason I can buy ivermectin off the shelf for an animal but I need a script for the human version.

Yes that's because it's a drug that physicians can proscribe to humans.

Until the FDA suddenly decides it's only for horses.

Which is why they were sued.

So your point just reenforces what I was saying, there was no call for the FDA to tell people they should not take it.

Comment They were not warning about horse paste (Score 2, Informative) 350

Nobody uses actual horse paste for that, which is exactly what a lot of these morons are doing.

The morons at the FDA were not telling people to avoid "horse paste", but Ivermectin specifically in the messaging and tweets they put out. Which is made for use by humans...

Comment Re:Is Non-Iodized Salt Causing This? (Score 1) 61

Lately we are seeing this silly rise in 'sea salt' (all NaCl we eat has been in a sea at some point), 'kosher salt", "pink salt", etc. with the big marketing point of not being iodized. This has been going on for a couple decades. I can only think that the popularity of shit B movies with characters like King Kong, Godzilla, and comic book characters must be because of diminishing intelligence.

Nonsense, I only eat pink sea salt and I still think real good.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 1) 61

Dune isn't really a story that translates well to a visual media.

Have to totally disagree on that front, especially after watching the recent movies.

Both Dune 1 and Dune 2 have so many amazing visuals...

Yes it is a highly political story but you can indicate those aspects visually which I think the new movies do a good job of.

Comment I had a similar thought (Score 5, Interesting) 44

I asked an LLM (doesn't really matter which one, they are fail in this same way) for advice on how to load a specific file type, it gave me three possible packages to use to be able to land the file...

But not one of them actually existed. When pressed further on one of the frameworks that didn't exist, it doubled-down and gave me a website for the package - which did not exist.

And that led me to think, maybe I should build out that package. Not in order to create malware as described here, but because you already know some people in a similar situation will be directed right to your package of that specific name without having to do anything!

So it's pre-made marketing just waiting for a product.

Comment Re: Suckers (Score 1) 23

Hear me out. There are high res cameras all over the airport. The ticket scanner at TSA is connected to a network.

I'm talking more the area outside the security zone where you can go without a ticket.

But you are right that it's pretty meaningless you can opt out of Facial scanning to enter an area where they already know way more than most people about you.

Comment Suckers (Score 1) 23

Right to refuse Face scanning just means they finally perfected other recognition models, like gait tracking, and want to make you think you can visit an airport without being identified by automated systems.

Wear masks all you like, it's no use anymore. You will be identified and cataloged.

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