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Comment Re:Android. The "PC" of mobile devices (Score 1) 92

Having just an iPhone is not enough to be locked-in. But if you purchased a lot of applications, are relying on iCould and iTunes, have an Apple TV and an iPad, tons of Apple-only accessories such as cables, chances that your next phone will be an Android are close to 0. The cost of switching would be too high.

Comment Re:Android. The "PC" of mobile devices (Score 1) 92

See, this is why I'm a convert to Apple iOS. Yes, there are a few reputable hardware vendors for Android like Samsung and LG; and in many cases, superior hardware specs for the latest device. The problem is the hardware/software permutation and lack of post-sales support and upgrades. THIS is why I abhor the Android platform.

I get your point about lack of post-sales support and upgrades. However, I don't understand how hardware/software permutation is a problem. You only need one good device. Why would I care if a cheap device I didn't buy from one of these chinese vendors is buggy and lacks support?

Comment Re:I don't know why people still say Java is slow. (Score 1) 382

I am not saying JavaScript can't perform in some specific scenarios. Just like C isn't always fast (code can be badly written in any language). But globally, JavaScript isn't known as a performance language, unlike say C, C++, Fortran and of course assembly.
Also, according to these benchmarks, JavaScript is much slower than C: http://benchmarksgame.alioth.d...

Comment Re:Why not just... (Score 1) 384

Except that the IP address is configured in the software he is updating. He's the guy doing the update, not the developper who choose to have the same IP address on each pump. But there are good reasons to put the same IP address: simplicity and manufacturing. All these pumps are identical. You don't want manufacturing to need a different software configuration depending on the physical location of the gas pump. For the same reason, all Linksys routers are configured with and not random IP addresses.

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