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Comment Re:Nothing New (Score 1) 628

Who knows?

The US on Thursday flew a B2 bomber from Missouri all the way to South Korea and dropped an unarmed 2,000lb warhead on a bombing range there, in broad daylight, in a show of force towards NK. The new Kim Jung might be the type of megalomaniac that would overreact to something like that.

Comment Re:About time. (Score 4, Insightful) 242

Defense also looks like trying to get your own data to see what the other side found out from their hacks of you. Satellite photos of the other side arming? Decrypting their communication? Would those not count as steps towards your own defense? Or would you just close your eyes and plug your ears, build the biggest wall you can, and call that defense?

Besides, China's hacking has been very much in the news lately. How do you know this isn't just China's PR push? How do you know China isn't simply counting a hacked home box sitting on a cable connection as a governmental hack? Don't you think the US would be a bit better about hiding their source?

Comment PR already started (Score 4, Interesting) 359

I was watching their press conference ( and wondered why that Chit guy kept repeating how quickly and within protocol their people responded. I guess there's some question now, and they're already setting a stage for their defense.

Comment Re:I say cut the F-35 (Score 3, Interesting) 484

Yeah, state of the art military that doesn't do much of anything, and we're all driving on pot hole riddled roads, we have 40 kids to a classroom, our bridges are falling down, and there's never any money for anything in our budget. This is the thinking that keeps senators from cutting any spending. Because of the immediate negative effect on their constituents. That money could be used elsewhere, and people would retain employment.

Comment Re:I say cut the F-35 (Score 3, Insightful) 484

"Entitlement" is almost a four letter word, but you know what? I'd rather have US citizens be able to feed themselves, than our money going to toys that never get used. We will have training exercises and missions costing millions per minute, in flight refelling for God knows what reason when the US has bases and aircraft carriers everywhere. And all this in an age when 19 guys with box cutters struck a direct blow to us and we're relying more on RC planes to dish out our justice. Who are we going to fight with these planes?

Comment Re:The NYPD has too much fucking money (Score 1) 123

Once we had two detectives come to out datacenter because someone sent an email with a return address hosted by a customer. No idea whether it was a real drop box or a faked envelope From, but the complaint was made by this annoying guy that took all that nonsense seriously. So yeah, they do have resources to waste. At least they recovered stolen property here and didn't just chase ghosts.

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