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Comment Re:Tax Distraction (Score 1) 623

Are you at all familiar with the defense procurement process? Do you *REALIZE* the regulations you have to comply with in order to even source parts from a foreign entity? "Export controls" are a *HUGE* headache for anyone in the DoD's procurement chain, such that the vast, VAST majority of Defense dollars stay States-side.

In fact, the net effect is such that it entirely negates your point: dollars spent on munitions manufactured by US firms are deployed in theater and used for creative destruction far from our shores. Would you rather we started carpet bombing Chicago instead?

Comment Re:I don't care who you are (Score 1) 160

My parents had a strict No Popular Radio rule when I was a young lad yet, for some reason, had a "Weird Al" Escape Clause -- I could listen to all the "Weird Al" I wanted, but never the source material.

To this day, I can't hear "Lola", "Hey Ricky", "I Love Rock And Roll", "Ride The Pony" and countless other songs that "debuted" in Yankovic form in my life without singing the "Weird Al" version.

Comment Re:Legally stream the entire album for free! (Score 1) 160

I saw him on the first leg of his US tour in Glenside, PA. He does "Perform This Way" in the peacock suit that shows up about 2/3 of the way through the video.

He averaged a costume change every 1.5 songs or so. And yes, it was an awesome show, though I hear he won't be doing "You're Pitiful" live anymore, which is a shame.

Comment Re:So where's the FLOSS/open codec Skype alternati (Score 3, Insightful) 192

It's not just about the POTS service, though. I rarely, if ever, see folks using it for voice-only calls. People use it for (in my experience):

1) Text-only chat (which is bat-guano-insane, IMHO)
2) Video chats

#2 sees the most use in my family and company circles. If we want voice-only, we call the other person's cell phone.

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