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Comment Re:You can pretty easily find channels with search (Score 0) 139

>Getting your national news via YouTube videos is like getting your history lessons from Futurama

If someone on youtube sources every video from mainstream news outlets for their commentary, how is that different than what CNN or FOX or any other news outlet do?

Having multiple perspectives is good but does it matter how established they are like CNN+Fox+NBC+BBC?

Comment Re:Is it any wonder? (Score 1) 139

Is Tim Pool lying about the news he reads that he shows the articles as he reads? Does that mean the news that he does read is lies (which he does catch funny enough sourced by other articles)?

At best you can say he is selective based on his bias. To that I would say, who isn't? Every media source is selective on what they report. Have you noticed the recent text messages from the FBI overseeing Trump Russia Collusion was mostly brushed aside by many outlets? I noticed despite being more "bombshell" than a repeat article about Trump taxes.

He has is opinions and they can and are wrong sometimes. he does a decent job of differentiating between what is his opinion vs the news he is reading for the day.

So, I guess I am asking for clarification on the lies you think Tim says.

Submission + - Rat That Sniffs Out Land Mines Receives Award For Bravery (

An anonymous reader writes: The medal awarded on Friday lauded the “lifesaving bravery and devotion to duty” for work detecting land mines in Cambodia. Its recipient: a rat named Magawa. Magawais the first rat to receive the award —agold medalbestowed by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, a British charity, that is often called the “animal’s George Cross” after an honor usually given to civilians that recognizes acts of bravery and heroism. Not since the fictional Remy of the 2007 Disney-Pixar film “Ratatouille” has a rat done so much to challenge the public’s view of the animals as creatures more commonly seen scuttling through sewers and the subway: Magawa has discovered 39 land mines and 28 pieces of unexploded ordnance, and helped clear more than 1.5 million square feet of land over the past four years.

More than five million land mines are thought to have been laid in Cambodia during the ousting of the Khmer Rouge and internal conflicts in the 1980s and 1990s. Parts of the country are also littered with unexploded ordnance dropped in United States airstrikes during the Vietnam War,a 2019 reportfrom the Congressional Research Service found. Since 1979, more than 64,000 people have been injured by land mines and other explosives in Cambodia, and more than 25,000 amputees have been recorded there,according to the HALO Trust, the world’s largest humanitarian land mine clearance charity.

Magawa, the most successful rat to have taken part in the program, was trained to detect TNT, the chemical compound within explosives. The ability to sniff out TNT makes him much faster than any person in searching for land mines, as he can ignore scrap metal that would usually be picked up by a metal detector. He can search an area the size of a tennis court in 30 minutes, whereas a person with a metal detector would usually take four days to search an area of that size. When he finds a mine, he signals to his handler by scratching at the earth above it. Unlike humans, Magawa is too light to detonate a mine, so there is minimal risk of injury.

Comment Re:More slowly [Re:Funding [Re:agree] (Score 1) 80

Let me repeat this again more slow because you don't understand.

They knew it was bad and still used it for FISA and their investigation into Trumps campaign. They lied to the courts.

Holy shit dude.

FBI gets tip.
FBI knows tip is based on lies partly because Steele was discredited and investigates that tip.
FBI still uses that tip anyway to get FISA warrant.
FBI lies to the court and uses that tip. Repeatedly.

You: but the FBI investigated the tip!!!

Get past step two for one bloody second.

Great you don't like FISA. Now understand that the FBI abused that crappy system with lies, manipulation, and cover up. People in the previous administration and FBI need to be jailed for what happened.

Comment Re:Funding [Re:agree [Re:Meanwhile...=] (Score 1) 80

> Yes. After they investigated.

Ok, you are stuck on "they investigated". The FBI knew it was bad information but still used it. That's not "investigated and threw away". That's lying to the courts with known false information and fabricated evidence in some cases. Do you not understand this ? How do you not understand this? What are you missing here?

> here you're confusing the Steele dossier with the Russian interference

No. You are wrong. The source of Steele was Russian disinformation. From the link. Steele got his lies from Russia sources which turned out to be connected to the FSB. I think in one case was just a guy in a bar drinking.

Ohr told agents in November 2016 he “never believed” Steele was “making up information or shading it” and that he believed Steele was just passing along what his sources in Russia were telling him

>Read the Senate report and the Mueller report.

I have. Now have you read the Horrowitz report and the current Durham investigation? Because an FBI agent is being charged for manipulating evidence. FBI have erased data on 15 phones used by Mueller. You are hung up on one or two details and miss everything else.

The FBI lied to the courts. Used known false information. Manipulated evidence. And deleted their records. Your rebuttle "they investigated that evidence". What does that do when they still used known lies to get their FISA warrants?

>All this is pretty well documented; there shouldn't be any dispute on that part of the facts.

Which is sad that you keep parroting partisan lies without thought or care to what actually happened.

Comment Re:agree [Re:Meanwhile...= (Score 0) 80

> they investigated a tip.

And also used it for FISA applications. They knew it was salacious lies from Russian FSB but still used it to spy on Trump's campaign. Read the Horrowitz report and the Durham investigation.

>r: it says that the Steele dossier was paid for by the DNC

It was. All of the funding for Steele was done by the DNC. During the primaries is when Fusion was funded by the Free Beacon. After Trump won the nomination they gave it up and the DNC took over.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score -1, Troll) 80

>They investigated the tip, which is what they're supposed to do, and determined that part of it (the Steele dossier part) had no credibility, and that other parts of it were accurate.

That is a lie.


Steele's dossier was used in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications to obtain surveillance against Trump campaign associate Carter Page.

The redacted FISA documents released in 2018 show the DOJ and FBI made extensive use of Steele’s dossier, which included a series of salacious and unverified allegations regarding Trump and Russia, in order to obtain surveillance through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court against former Trump campaign associate Carter Page. Steele put his research together in 2016 at the behest of Fusion GPS, which had been hired by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through the Perkins Coie law firm. Steele receiving Democratic funding was never revealed to the court.

Comment Re:Serious question- why not pour that into Starsh (Score 2) 185

SpaceX is doing fine and getting some grant money from NASA for Artemis. Although, interestingly enough one of the challenges for Starship is that it is so big that landing on the moon will kick up a lot of dust causing potential problems. In one of their concept art pieces they had some thrusters positioned fairly high up on Starship to avoid such landing events.

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