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Comment Re:An alternative to the death penalty (Score 5, Insightful) 591

Atheism and absence of morality are not synonymous. One need not invoke a deity to have a moral compass. Most publicly vocal atheists in the west are also opposed to the death penalty. At the same time, at least a couple of history's greatest mass murderers were also avowed atheists. It doesn't seem that atheism and opposition to killing are at all correlated, just as belief in any of the major religions is not a good predictor of one's stance on the death penalty.

Troll rejected: erroneous premise.

Comment Re:An alternative to the death penalty (Score 5, Insightful) 591

Yeah, this is pretty macabre. How about we just avoid killing people?

And no, it isn't because they don't deserve it (although we inevitably execute and imprison innocent people). Most deserve worse than they get. How about let's just go with the simple idea that killing is wrong and strive to avoid it whenever possible? Killing people diminishes us - even if they were evil scumbags who deserved worse. I don't need to look to other cultures for examples and counter-examples of executing people. I don't need a popularity contest about how many other people don't like the death penalty (or the converse). Let's just go with "no killing" because it is right and be done with it.

Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 1) 441

What Bing said.

The issue is not open and unfettered internet vs. evil corporate control. It is one set of bureaucrats and corporations against another set of bureaucrats and corporations. Just because they use the words "net neutrality" doesn't mean there is anything neutrality related involved. Remember, the same national politicians got together to give us the Republic-led bipartisan "USA PATRIOT Act", which had absolutely nothing to do with patriotism.

"free and open internet" as we knew it is not an option on the table. The discussion at hand is about how much power Washington will have to pick winners and losers in corporate fights. And who in Washington will wield that power. Oh, and a few new fees and tacked-on unrelated regulations "just because".

Comment Re:But we know the Standard Model is incomplete (Score 1) 73

> pretty sure being right allows us to advance more quickly

Definitely not. The exact opposite is much closer to the truth.

The reason why something like this might be true is related to the Confirmation Bias logical fallacy. Quick classic example:

Take the series of numbers: 2,4,6,8

Figure out what the rules for the series are. If you give me a guess, I'll tell you if it is in the series or not.

So you guess 10.
I say yes.
Then you guess 12.
I say yes.
Yippie, you think. I've figured it out. I'll make one more guess to be sure: How about 14?

Ok, you say, the rule is all the numbers are even.

Nope. The rule is the numbers are positive integers. Because you never tested a number that didn't fit your rule, you never found out where your rule was wrong. Therefore you never made any progress in updating your rules.

So, in the case of the Higgs we found out that our rule is right about the information we've learned about the Higgs so far. In which case we can't make our rule any better. If we had instead found out that some of our predictions were wrong, they'd be hard at work updating their model and coming up with ways to test that new model. That's why progress is faster if you find out that you are wrong. The important bit was finding out how you were wrong, and that you were asking the right questions so that the results point you in the right direction.

Comment Re:Space X vs ULA (Score 1) 132

What did the taxpayers get for the $1 billion per year above and beyond paying for actual launches?

Hmmm.... US military subsidizing nasa contractors that are also military suppliers to the tune of a billion bucks a year. Hmmm.... is that going to pay for rocket stuff.... or perhaps is there some "off the books" work going on?

Comment Re:Death traps. (Score 1) 451

Thanks for sharing.... your ride sounds amazing. Back when I was in high school around 1980 a buddy and I rebuilt and customized a VW Super Beetle. Nothing as far-out as your LPG setup, but still a lot of fun. We had the cylinders bored out for new pistons, put in high-ration rockers and a new crankshaft - we even put dual Webbers on the thing. 8 barrels of carb for a four cylinder, pretty funny.

What a great project. We ended up getting it to dyno out at 135hp, which ain't too shabby for a car designed for more like 45 hp.

I bet your project has given you no end of topics for conversation.

Comment Re:Death traps. (Score 1) 451

Wait, you run propane through a standard carburetor? How does that work? It isn't like LPG can settle in the float bowl. I thought you had to replace the carburetor with a regulator and mixer assembly.

I'd like to see how your setup works.

Oh, and to the point.... you don't really work on modern cars. They rarely need anything beyond fluids and wear items like tires and brakes, but when they do, you end up letting the professionals handle it. I used to do all the work on my cars back in the carburetor and timing light days. Not any more. They have everything packed in there so tight it takes hours just to change the spark plugs on some cars (BMW 328i, I'm looking at you). The computers and sensors are so good that you never really adjust anything anymore. While you give up some of the fun of detuning your Chevelle SS to get that 100rpm idle lub-dub-lub-dub sound, what you get in return is 100k miles with nothing more serious than an oil change out of a little turbo charged 4 cylinder that puts out more horsepower than the biggest muscle cars of the 70's. Not a bad exchange.

Comment Re:Death traps. (Score 1) 451

You can get a fully automated drone for hundreds of dollars, not millions. Not big enough to put a person in, but still fully automated. Google and Amazon are looking to deploy huge fleets of fully automated drone delivery aircraft costing a few thousand each.

We already know that autonomous vehicle technology isn't prohibitively expensive. Nvidia already has their system on the market for carmakers to integrate. It adds thousands, not millions. And depending on how things pan out, you might recoup all of that initial outlay in insurance savings pretty quickly.

Comment Re:It won't understand situations, it shouldn't ma (Score 1) 451

You say that as if this isn't already a solved problem. There are loads of autonomous vehicles already successfully navigating the public roads in general traffic. This technology is so far along that companies like Nvidia have off-the-shelf autonomous car kits on the market, ready for carmakers to integrate into their vehicles.

Your rant sounds like the guy in 1906 saying that travelling faster than 35 mph was impossible as the Stanley Steamer screams past at 120 mph in the background.

Comment Re:There is actually such a thing as intelligence (Score 1) 451

and software doesn't have it.

Really. I can't believe that all these nerds like to pretend that their toys are actually thinking. They're not. And "self driving cars" won't know that they're driving, won't know what a human is, won't know what a horse is, won't know what ANY OF THE THINGS IN THE ENVIRONMENT ARE. They won't recognize when trillion of possible conditions are strange.

You want something totally insentient DRIVING A CAR?

Are you all insentient yourselves?

Yeah, they don't need to know any of that. A robot welding machine doesn't know that it is making a car either. Nor does a MakerBot know that it is making custom knobs for your car radio.

There are literally trillions of living things that are able to successfully navigate their environments without anything approaching sentience. That may be a requirement for discussing the merits of the Star Trek reboot, but for navigating the environment? Not so much. Not that this is an easy problem. It obviously isn't. That's why everyone was so impressed with the DARPA challenge and then the Google car. It is amazing. But it isn't sentience. And it doesn't need to be.

Comment Re:But will anyone actually buy them? (Score 1) 451

If a driverless car was in a similar price band to a normal car I would buy one (assuming safe ofcourse).

I once figured out that a self-driving feature would be worth about $5k/year for me.

If you are the parent of young children, how much is it worth? A car that can take the 4th graders to baseball practice while you work on your second grade girl's homework with her? Pretty valuable. How about a car that can pick up your 12 year old and her friends and take them to Lisa's house for a pool party? Sure, version one won't be allowed on the road without a licensed driver - but what about version 4.0?

And if that's not your cup of tea, what about your 16 year old kid? How much would it be worth to have them being driven by Robo-Morgan Freeman instead of their 16 year old friend who decided to try shotgunning beer for the first time?

Or what about the grandfather who shouldn't be driving any more? We had to go to the state to get my grandfather's license pulled as he progressed into his 80's because he was a menace and a danger to everyone on the road. We paid a cousin to be his driver so he could have some mobility, but he absolutely hated being dependent on someone else and he hated us for taking his autonomy. Self-driving cars take that entire problem off the table.

Yeah, people will definitely buy these things.

Comment Re:Buggy whip makers said automobiles aren't... (Score 1) 451

The "dog and kid at the same time" scenario argues even more for the automated vehicle. Because the sensors on the car can see more and track more than a human can, the car can predict possible collision paths long before a person could and slow the vehicle accordingly. Or sound the horn.

Also, an integrated traffic control system would mean that the car had access to more than just its own sensors. With the potential to feed data between nearby vehicles and enhance the capabilities of the system by aggregating and processing information behind the scenes, your car might know about the playing kids before you even turn on to that street.

There is a long path between here and there - one that we potentially might never walk down - but understanding the true capabilities of automated vehicles requires re-imagining everything about how traffic works.

Comment Not up to their usual standards (Score 4, Interesting) 609

If the Clintons are known for anything, it is their ability to craft a message and stay on message. Remember, "It's the economy, stupid!"? The entire group is known for being able to quickly respond with a wall of on-message response to any crisis.

Yet in this case we had radio silence for a week, followed by this evasive and strange defense.

"I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department, "said Clinton, "because I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.

She repeated this a couple of times. It surprises me that none of the nerds here have picked up on this. She didn't want to have to carry two phones, so she used her personal email account. Nobody at her press conference thought to raise their hand and say "Uhm, excuse me..... but, you can have more than one email account on your phone."

We have Bill Clinton's people claiming that he's only sent two emails in his life just a couple of days ago, then she goes out and claims that the email server was set up for him, and she had to delete more than half of the email on the server because it was personal, stuff between her and her husband. Yikes. This is not the Clinton machine we are used to.

In the 90's the message was tight, and if facts were uncovered that contradicted the message then the whole team changed messages at the same time. They need to step up their game....

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