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Comment 1st Ammendment (Score 1) 400

"freedom of speech only applies to government actions."

The Constitution (and its ammenments) apply to government actions, "freedom of speech" is a more general thing.

But I do agree that a website can set its own rules, if news or social media sites don't want to have people post porn, violence or racist shit they don't have to accept everything that is uploaded. And if some islamic terror group wants to host their own blogs showing what they do to non-believers then they'll just have to put up with anti-islamic sites hosted elsewhere poking fun at their religion and their Prophet.

Comment Solution to Global Warming (Score 2) 75

So if you put a big enough satellite at L1, it will shade the planet andreduce global warming.

You'd need to make it out of graphene so it would be light enough.

If you made it like a venetian blind you couldcontrol the amount of sunlight the earth recieves.
Close the blinds when its daytime in asia, open them again when its daytime in the americas.
You could rule the world [evil laugh]

Comment Seamonkey (Score 1) 296

I use Seamonkey for most of the critical stuff like online banking and also for Email. (on my previous machine I used Thunderbird for Email, but I figured that since I had Seamonkey running anyway I might as well use the mail section of it.

For general browsing (like /. ) I still use FF

I don't use Chrome, and I don't hsve a Google or GMail account.

BTW SM is now up to 2.32.1

Comment Re:As usual ... (Score 1) 283

"As usual, somehow an American agency has decided they have jurisdiction to claim/enforce property rights on something which international treaty forbids."

Any international treaty is worth just as much (ie jack shit) unless the international body ( I guess the UN) has spaceships and space marines to enforce the treaty.

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