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Comment Re:nVidia (Score 1) 158

Agreed but in this case and many other related to computer parts it isn't a "misguided notion of brand loyalty" so much as an awareness of which brands are able to consistently produce quality goods vs brands that produce acceptable goods.

I wouldn't ever consider an HP machine and it isn't because I don't like the brand. It's because they die within months. Sony on the other hand is a kniving cunt but still manages to produce consistently acceptable hardware.

Comment Re:I'm still trying to wrap my brain around... (Score 2) 346

This sounds plausible, more specifically the school had backups made and restored the machine/files using a backup. Especially likely because the school would notice their software is not installed so they would have simply pressed re-image, and whatever software they were using re-imaged with the "last known working copy"

Comment Re:I would be more worried... (Score 1) 277

>And, it's clever enough to be completely not-running-at-all unless activated, so the performance hit when the phone is not lost is exactly zero.

So if I have data sync turned off then how does it respond to my lost device notification if it's from the internet. An SMS receiver could handle a text messages that are notifying it that it's lost but if data-sync is off depending on the phone you don't get push notifications.

Comment Re:Not to mention... (Score 1) 112

This is the truth. Here in Canada (well Quebec), there was a court battle where a Linux based company sued and won a case against the municipal government for not accepting or considering their contract offer in accordance with the legislation of that area. The city felt it would just be easiest to go with MS and not ever consider the alternatives.

Comment Re:I would be more worried... (Score 2) 277

To the best of my recolection; an app is required. Google does provide an app to paid Google Apps customers but they do not bundle one with the device. PlanB on the android market is a good choice as it will phone home as soon as you install it (from the web). Additionally some vendors have added the ability to create an account based on your device serial number that will persist even through a device wipe in finding said device. At the very least this is how ASUS does it.

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