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Haskell 2010 Announced 173

paltemalte writes "Simon Marlow has posted an announcement of Haskell 2010, a new revision of the Haskell purely functional programming language. Good news for everyone interested in SMP and concurrency programming."

Comment Re:Died for lack of health insurance (Score 1) 11

So why did you suggest she needed to get a a mammogram, if early detection happens before that? Maybe you're just spouting crap you read on the internet.

Thanks for the link. I'm sure those free clinics in MA and MO would have helped her. Oh wait, the only one in Springfield, MO probably couldn't have.

Get back to me when you've stopped blaming the victim.

Comment Re:Died for lack of health insurance (Score 1) 11

How would she know that her symptoms indicated she needed to get a mammogram? That's for an MD to determine. Are uninsured people supposed to diagnose their own illnesses and seek out the necessary examinations themselves?

Comment Re:Not a Bug (Score 1) 225

If you can find a way to rig an election in the State of New York then I'd be real interested in knowing about it.

Put lots of voting machines in the rich, white neighbourhoods, and very few in the poor, black neighbourhoods. That's how they did it, at least, in Ohio in 2004.

Comment Re:Hopefully It'll Just Go Away (Score 1) 317

If you think that's bad, teenagers don't even need to take the driving test in order to get a license in Texas. From

The student must take a written and vision examination prior to receiving the Texas Driver License Instruction permit. However, the skills (driving) test will be waived for teenagers who complete both classroom and behind-the-wheel portions of a Texas driver education course. The instructor participating in the Parent Taught Driver Education Program has the option to waive the skills (driving) test or require the student to pass the skills (driving) test administered by DPS prior to issuing a Class C driver license.

So: adults must take the test, teenagers don't need to. Why are my insurance rates so high again?

Comment Re:Side effect (Score 3, Informative) 740

Then the greedy-ass city council wanted more revenue, so they shortened the yellow-light timing. They now have yellow-light times that are around 2 seconds on most of the camera-watched intersections.

Do you have anything to back that up?

This report suggests that rumour isn't true, and the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices defines 3 to 6 seconds for the yellow light. (last page).

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