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Comment Re:Not a good example... (Score 1) 1589

It's really tautological; information is entirely non-physical and therefore fundamentally can not be a physical good. It can have physical manifestations...

That's silly. Information must have a physical manifestation. It's in your brain cells, it's in electromagnetic waves, it's on paper -- otherwise it doesn't exist. Information theory even defines it in terms of entropy which is a property of matter. Maxwell's daemon and all that.


Comment Re:On High Schools doing more... (Score 2, Interesting) 538

Well, if you want to motivate a child, perhaps you do have to have the latest and greatest, or at least something with some cool factor.

I'm not so sure. The "cool" part of playing with the old machines is that there was little abstraction back then keeping you away from the bits. If you poked the right memory location with the right number, the pixels on your screen would change. Poke another bit and you'll hear a click on your speaker. That's very cool, in my old timer opinion, and something the kids today almost never get to see. Everything they're learning is so abstract that they don't understand why anything actually works. How boring that would be...


Comment Re:NEVER bill hourly! (Score 1) 438

If you estimate a 40 hour effort, and it turns into 120, that means you suck.

Absolutely. I work a mix of fixed and hourly contracts. Hourly is necessary if the specs aren't clear and the job is to help them figure out what they want. But for a defined project, I've never had any trouble providing fixed, competitive prices and coming in on schedule. All these comments about "losing your shirt" by working for a fixed price sound very unprofessional to me.


Comment Re:Yes, and it's called LifeWings (Score 3, Insightful) 263

After becoming a pilot, I became a firm believer in checklists and brought them into my computer work. I make checklists for software delivery processes, framework installations, toner cartridge changes, etc. Then I ask someone else in the team to carry them out while I watch over their shoulder. And then I make improvements and put them in a well-known directory. My vacations are never interrupted anymore. ;-)


Comment Re:Look at Airplanes (Score 1) 263

I've run the C-172M checklist several hundred times, and let me tell you, it's *very* easy to lose track of your place in the list, and forget whether your memory of having completed a given item is from this evening's flight, or from the one you did this morning.

Try reading the list out loud. This helps me for some reason.



Freelance Web Developer Best Practices? 438

SirLurksAlot writes "My last employer had to make a series of budget cuts, and I was laid off. I have been on the job hunt since then; however in the meantime I have begun freelancing as a Web developer. This is my first time in this role and so I would like the ask the Slashdot community: are there any best practices for freelance developers? What kind of process should I use when dealing with clients? Should I bill by the hour or provide a fixed quote on a per-project basis? What kind of assurances should I get from the client before I begin work? What is the best way to create accurate time estimates? I'm also wondering if there are any good open source tools for freelancers, such as for time-tracking and invoice creation (aside from simply using a spreadsheet). Any suggestions or insights would be welcome."

Comment stochastic discrimination (Score 1) 266

Adding another point to your feature space, I'll put in a plug for a technique called Stochastic Discrimination. It's not well known but is quite good at pattern recognition and avoids a lot of the weaknesses of neural networks such as over-training. Since it's not so well known, you have to go to the few academic papers to read up on it. Or visit the website http://kappa.math.buffalo.edu/. But it's got a very solid mathematical foundation (developed by a former math professor if mine) and isn't as "hacky" as other techniques.



Submission + - Outsourcing Software Quality

devonbowen writes: I'm doing the IT specifications for a project that's being outsourced. The goal is to completely rewrite some software that already exists in-house so that it follows some common standards (modern programming language, framework, browser support, etc). These things are pretty easy to define and it's also reasonably easy to test that the resulting product complies. But how can I specify software quality?

My concern is with maintainability. Is there anything we can write into the specs that will nudge them toward writing code that we'll consider readable and maintainable? Most "coding standards" documents tell you where to put curly braces but leave the bigger issues to be worked out within your corporate culture. And, of course, when outsourcing you are working across two different corporate cultures. One idea that has come up is to have code reviews early to help create some common understanding of code quality between us. Defining the frameworks and libraries should also help to some degree. But I was hoping for something more concrete.

Yes, I know that this problem could be avoided by simply not outsourcing the project. But that simply isn't an option here for political reasons. So given that it's necessary, how would you encourage quality in an outsourcing spec?

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