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Comment Re:quotation marks (Score 1) 424

Probably because the period is a wildcard character. For the OP, he's looking for a specific string and the advanced search "Find pages with... this exact phrase" option (which, they tell you, is the same as enclosing the string in quotes in the regular search field) is what he is looking for. The fact that you can contrive an example that doesn't do what you want is largely irrelevant.

Comment Re:Excellent. Now how about High Fructose Corn Syr (Score 4, Interesting) 851

I'm not a fan of banning them either. However, given the rate of obesity and type 2 diabetes in this country with strong evidence they are caused by our increased consumption of various kinds of sugar ("real" sugar and HFCS), I would be very much in favor of a relatively high tax on them.

The reason they're used in processed foods is because they are an effective and cheap flavor enhancer. Tax them and they become less economically viable in cheap bulk processed foods. Consumption would naturally go down as alternatives were substituted. And for the people that still consume it in quantity, the tax revenue can be funneled into taking care of the health problems caused by over consumption. Win win.

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