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Comment Re:Or Preexisting conditions. (Score 1) 578

Nice but it would be really better if you could post some details (cost and coverage and deductables, etc).

Though the people saying "I lost my insurance" are much worse at refusing to post the reason the insurance was cancelled, or posting actual costs/benifits from before/after, it appears supporters of Obamacare seem to do the same thing sometimes.

Comment Re:Or Preexisting conditions. (Score 1) 578

I agree this (single payer) is the likely result in the long run.

I have to say I am absolutely disgusted with the right wing. They have taken an idea from the Heritage Institute to use capitalism which may have worked (it may have failed as well but at least we would have tried) and made it now politically impossible. If they get in office and repeal Obamacare the result will be so obviously awful that there will be a fix very soon afterwards. And the left will use all the arguments that the Tea Party came up with to say that private companies cannot be used (because the mandate is unconstitutional, etc) and it will be a government service just like all European countries use.

Yes healthcare is cheaper in Europe, but that does not mean it is the best system. A regulated competitive market should do better because competition leads to innovation and reduced cost. But we will probably never see it tried, thanks to the fanatics in the right wing. Thanks a lot, assholes.

Comment Re:I went back to corporate America because Obamac (Score 1) 578

Can you please post the reason the insurance was cancelled? What part of Obamacare regulations did it not fulfill?

This whole discussion is full of shills on every side. I believe insurance was cancelled, but every time somebody says it was they do not say the reason. This leads everybody else to say "well it probably only covered hangnails", which is certainly false. But I am also suspicious that in all these Slashdot postings saying "Obama took away my insurance" I have NEVER seen the reason an insurance was cancelled, except for one post that said "my employer refused to pay the cadillac tax" which is not something likely to be mentioned on Fox News.

I believe there are screwups all around. Some of the regulations the left wing forced into Obamacare are probably silly and excessive and causing unhelpful cancellations, but there is a distinct refusal to post exactly what is wrong.

Comment Re:Someone please explain (Score 1) 240

The main app is aware that it is executing the file dialog program, they are talking to each other (probably just by using a pipe). Therefore the app can tell the file dialog that it lost focus, or (more likely) it can just stay in a modal state where the user cannot change things until they dismiss the file dialog.

Comment Re:Someone please explain (Score 1) 240

The Unix philosophy would help with the file dialogs. They should be a separate executable, at least for simple ones that are in a floating window. Then all the toolkits could share them. More importantly people could write new and better file dialogs. Also the common one could share a daemon that kept track of preview icons, etc.

FLTK was tiny, but more than 50% of the code was for the file chooser dialog.

Comment Re:Umm what? (Score 1) 240

No you cannot use toStdString and fromStdString as they do not use UTF-8 but attempt to use the "locale". Also even if you set it to UTF-8 the throw exceptions on invalid encodings, making them impossible to use safely (since the exceptions are rare enough that code is not written to handle them).

Comment Re:I was referring to L+R = middle (Score 1) 85

Interesting. That does sound like a bug (verses a design decision, it is usually clear which is which in Blender even though for most people the end result is no different). I always use the button on a pen to be the middle mouse button, the inability to do this in some software like Maya I find annoying.

Another bug is that it is impossible to do some actions in the timeline when left button is set to select.

Comment Re:Two-button trackpad (Score 1) 85

Changing the left button to select does not change what the middle mouse button does. I have used Blender in this arrangement and have no problem.

IMHO the few remaining 3D programs that do not use middle mouse button for rotating the viewport are broken. All 2D software, and all non-professional 3D viewing software, use the middle mouse button for panning/tumble. Blender works correctly here and it is the big Maya/etc that have the user-unfriendly setting.

That does not excuse some other Blender problems with their UI, however.

Comment Re:Manipulative headline (Score 1) 102

As opposed to other pollution, I would think this has the nice advantage that it is in the drilling companies interest to reduce it (since what they are leaking is the product they want to sell!). It is true that they will not naturally stop leaks where the cost of stopping the leak is greater than the savings in product, but it sure sounds like a mild bit of regulation can fix this (and the company does get any methane they save, thus offsetting some of the cost of the regulation). In any case this sure seems like it is not something inheriently wrong or unsolvable with natural gas.

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